Get over yourself!

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It was Monday, Alex had walked into school with Carter. They were holding hands as normal. They were absoulte best friends they were so close sometimes people would ask if they were dating. Alex saw Arexa and Jeff kissing against his lockers. Looking like their clothes were going to fly any moment. Her long leg wraped around his side, his tongue down her throat with "innocent" moaning sounds. Quite gross if you were there. She walked to them and bashed their heads together. She ran off quickly before he let go of her leg. Luckily for Alex she was in track and always wore sweat pants and converse. Arexa on the other hand was wearing a slutty type skirt and heels. Alex bolted down the hall way about five feet ahead of Arexa and skipped around people not hitting anyone. Arexa knocked people over and stepped on their feet. Carter was getting his backpack put in his locker when he heard swift running sounds. He turned his head to see Alex and he shook his head laughing. Then everything went to a stopping point when Alex ran into a teacher. Arexa had caught up from throwing her shoes off amd pulled Alex's long brown tied back hair. She fell, hitting a teacher which was automatic ISS. "Ughh!" Alex screamed. "I hate you Arexa, I hate you! You stole my boyfriend, you ruined my life, and you're a slut!" Alex sighed. She got up and stormed to the bathroom fixing her hair. She then had gone to the principles office. Carter sighed a bit when he saw her getting an ISS slip. Arexa smiled, thinking she wouldn't get any thing. He wrote her a pass for detention. She huffed and stormed off.

Carter went over to Jeff and slapped him. "Keep a hold of your bitch before she comes after Alex once more slimebag." Jeff grabbed Carter by thr throat and smashed him into the locker "Make me bitch" Carter gasped a bit and kicked Jeff extremely hard in his balls. Jeff let go and fell to the floor. "Keep your bitch away from Alex" Cater walked away to his next class. Meanwhile Alex was In the ISS room doing her work. When she finnished her work she laid her head down. After a while she fell asleep. She had a dream but it was more like a memory. The break up. "If only I was a better girlfriend for jeff.. If only I didn't mess up. I should've just given him what he wanted. It's my fault he left me that way.. I wasn't good enough.. So cheating was the only way out.." She pictured herself infront of a mirror sobbing, balling her fist she punched the mirror and shattered it. Making the mirror look like her heart. She woke up with tears on her cheeks. She wiped them away and texted Carter.
A: "Can I stay at your place tonight? I feel I'm not going to be okay if I'm alone.."
C: "Of course you can, I want to help in anyway possible."
Alex wiped the tears off her face and went back to sleep. Carter kept working in class. He grabbed a separate sheet of paper and started doodling on it. ******************************
When school was over Carter picked up Alex from the office and gave her a ride home. She smiled a little when ever she saw him, it was always what they had done since way back in elementary school. Carter took Alex to her house first. She ran inside and got things she needed for the night then quickly ran back outside. Carter chuckled "Someones acting a bit more herself today." "As always" she responded as she got in the car. They quickly went to Carters house and chilled. A couple hours of talking about things he turned on the Television and Alex cuddled up to him, smiling a bit she nuzzled his neck and fell asleep. He smiled and rubbed her back. This had happened several times before so he was used to it. He pulled a blanket on her, to keep her warm. She started to dream again. In the shards of glass from the mirror she broke was a face. A soft gentle face, someone with big brown eyes and a kind smile. She teared up a little and carressed the glass with her thumb.

Hey guys sorry for the late updates, going to try to write more often. Especially this week with it being spring break here. XX tell me how I can do better on this chapter guys love you guys ^-^

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