Chapter Seven - The Mystery Unravelled

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As we arrived at the mystery destination, Brad got out and went around to speak to the driver. I began to get out too, but I heard Brad shout "one minute Kay, i'll be right there" I sat back in the seat and looked through the window. Luckily nobody was there this time.

Sure enough, Brad returned, and held out his hand through the door. I took it and I ever so gently got out of the limo to a still (fortunately) empty area. I looked around, and a building towered above us. But where we were, below it in the car park, was trimmed up with twinkling lights and a dining table sat at the far end. I wasn't hungry, and I think he picked up on that, so he led me to the side of the car park, where all of a sudden he appeared with a guitar.

I knew what was coming before it started and I was speechless. He sat me down and began to play and sing all of my favourite songs. Normally when I see this type of thing in movies, I burst into laughter, the romantic things aren't my scene at all. But this, this felt right. After the last song had finished, I burst into wild applause. Brad smiled, rested his guitar back on the wall, and made some kind of signal somewhere behind me.

Then almost out of nowhere James appeared, with Kimmy on his arm. I mouthed the word 'how?' to her, and she shrugged her shoulders, but a devilish grin was on her face. Brad took my hand, and we walked to the middle of the car park. James and Kimmy were resting against the wall, and James got a remote out of his pocket. He pressed a button, and slow music began to play.

I couldn't work out where from. 'Wrong thing to focus on Kaylee, don't screw it up' I kept repeating to myself, as Brad took my hand and we began to dance. "I can't dance.." I began to say, but he put his finger to my lips. "I'll teach you. Just follow my lead" he said softly, and our fingers intertwined. I rested my head on his shoulder and suddenly I knew how to dance. At least I think I was dancing, for all I knew my feet were probably running and scraping across the ground trying to keep up with Brad's.

As he slowly spun me around I noticed Kimmy and James were dancing too, just opposite us, and me and Kimmy made eye contact. I raised an eyebrow at her, and she beamed at me. I nodded to her and I focussed back on the dancing (well attempted). The song ended and I started to pull away, but another song played on the radio, and this time it was a fast paced song. Brad and me stood apart from each other, staring, not knowing what to do. I glanced at Kimmy and James, and they were randomly dancing any moves that came into their head.

Brad and I looked at each other, shrugged, and did the same. As Kimmy and I danced together, we whispered at the same time "best.night.ever."

Past is Past - The Vamps Band fanfic. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now