Sam x Bloodjunkie!Reader

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Sam. He was always so lucky to have Dean there for him when he was a blood junkie. No to mention he has the most amazing hair and eyes that I could get lost in for days. I of course, grew up an only child with and abusive dad, who then turned out to be possessed by a demon. I know, wonderful life right. Well, it gets better! My mother was killed like Sam and Dean's, so I got the whole blood junkie thing as well. The bad thing is that mine didn't just give me control over demons, but also over humans. This meant I could kill a human with the snap of my fingers and exorcise a demon with my mind, but the Winchesters didn't know this. Hell, they don't even know I have demon blood in me. Which made it a whole lot worse since we're going up against Famine.
~~~Flashback by the glorious Moose~~~
"Okay. Y/N, Cas, you guys ready?" Dean said as he and I were loading up the guns. Sam was is the bathroom and Cas was eating his 200th burger that night.
"Wait," I said and hopefully wouldn't regret this. "I can't go."
"Why not, it's not like you'll be effected like Sam. Wait...will you?" Dean asked with a confused look on his face.
"Actually, it'll be worse for me. I never told you guys, but I'm like Sam. My mom was killed just like yours and before you knew me, I had the same problem as Sam. There's one difference," I took a deal breath and prayed to God Dean wouldn't shoot me. "I can control humans as well. If I had enough juice, I could snap my fingers and you would explode. I never knew why I was so powerful, and when I went to talk to yellow eyes, even he didn't know what happened to me. All I know is that you need to lock me up better than Sam, cause if I get enough demon blood, I could cause serious damage to the town." Dean looked at me like I just said I was pregnant with his child.
"And you just happened to forget to mention this to us."
"Well, I was afraid you would lock me up, because I was more dangerous than Sam."
"Y/N, we would never lock you up. But you're right, I'll lock you up attached to the bed so you and Sam can't help each other get out." Dean said and lead you over to the bed. Once you were handcuffed, Dean and Cas left so you just say there.
"So Y/N, what powers do you have." Sam asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Telekinesis. Found out about it when I was hunting and some random demon tried to shoot me. I freaked out and just stood there waiting for death, but I looked down and the bullet was a foot from my chest. Been practicing ever since. You remember when Dean almost got shot but the bullet missed him somehow."
"That was you?"
"Yeah, and Dean could nev-" I was cut off by 10 people in black suits walking in to the motel room.
"Y/N, what's going on!" Sam yelled.
"So, this is what the boss sent to get us. You two, go get the other one. This one seems feisty." One of the men said and started to un-cuff me. They were demons and once they got the cuffs off, I attacked them all. It seemed Sam had the same idea and one of them was knocked through the bathroom door, breaking the glass table. Sam and I both grabbed a shard of glass and stabbed them in the neck, drawing blood. The others tried to pry us off but we blasted them against the wall.
"Wait your turn." We both said and smiled.

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