Supernatural x Reader - I'm So Sorry

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Dean was pissed. The three of us were on a hunt when a vamp jumped me from behind. I almost got killed but Sam chopped his head off. Now I had to get the talk. "You should have been more careful. You could have gotten yourself killed or worse, one of us." That was it. He talks about me like I'm below him an it's gotten on my last nerve.

"You know what, I'm not going to take this anymore. You treat me like trash and I'm sick and tired of it." I put my headphones on and looked out the window, but apparently Dean wasn't finished. He pulled my headphones of and started yelling at me.

"Listen to me, young lady! You are not just going to igno-" It hit us like a train. Sam and Dean got most of the impact but I still felt some of the force from the car. Neither of them were waking up.

"Sam! Dean! Wake up please!" I pulled out my phone and called 911. The ambulance arrived and I made them take the boys away first. "Hey, are they okay! Nurse! Are they okay?"

The nurse gave a me a pitiful look and walked over. "I'm sorry sweetie. We're doing the best we can." Then they knocked me out with a sedative.


I woke up in the hospital with someone sitting beside my bed. "Hey Cas." I said, still a little woozy on pain killers. It took me a minute to remember what happened. Then it hit me, like that car. "Sam and Dean, are they okay?" Cas gave me the same look the nurse did.

"I'm sorry y/n. Sam and Dean...they are being kept alive by machines. The doctors said they might have to pull the plug in a few weeks if they don't wake up." I couldn't believe it. It was all my fault. If I hadn't messed up on the hunt then Dean wouldn't have yelled at me and not seen the car and now they're dying.

"When can I get out of here?"

"In a day or two, depending on how bad the injuries are." The doctor said as she walked in. "Your friends however, aren't in the same condition." I couldn't stay here. I know how to fix this.


Thankfully, Cas had angel business and I was good as sneaking out. I grabbed a six pack of beer on the way and all the ingredients were in Dean's car. Wandering down the dirt road, I dug a hole and buried the box in there. "Where are you, you asshat!"

"Why, that's no way to treat and old friend." I recognized that voice.

"Crowley you son of a bitch. How long will you give me for both of them?"

He gave a me little smirk. "Why dear, I don't know what you mean. Who do you want to save?" I was beyond pissed now.

"MY BROTHERS YOU IDIOT! NOW TELL ME HOW LONG I GET!" He took a minute to think and gave me an answer.

"One month." Good enough for me. I walked up to him and kissed him, which was gross.

"Y/n, no." I turned around to see Cas with a sad look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Cas, but I had to." He sighed and disappeared. I started my walk back to the car. I got in and drove back to the hospital. When I got inside, no one remembered I was a patient so I just walked past to see Sam and Dean. They were both sitting up talking to Cas. The room went silent when I walked in. "Yeah yeah, I know. It was a stupid deal and I shouldn't have done it but you two were dying and you're the only family I have left." They stared at me in silence until Sam finally spoke.

"How long did you get?" He said with a solemn look on his face.

"Crowley gave me a month for both of you. I should have asked for longer but you were going to die soon." They stared at me with pain in their eyes. Sam looked sad, but Dean looked disappointed.

"Y/n," Dean said. "How could you? You remember what I turned into after hell, and this time Cas might not be able to get you out."

"I don't care if he doesn't get me back out. I deserve this as punishment for letting you down and getting you all into this mess." I stared to walk out of the doorway when someone grabbed my hand. I turned around to see Cas. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. He had always been my best friend and comforted me when things got tough. I walked over to Sam and Dean and gave them both hugs. "I'll be at the bunker if you need me."

*One month later*

It was finally the day. The month had gone by quicker than expected. The boys had still tried anything and everything to get me out of my deal, but they knew it was hopeless. We decided to spend the day relaxing in the bunker. We watched a movie, played a few board games, and talked. We decided that it would be best if we went somewhere away from the bunker so it wouldn't get destroyed. We went to a field in the middle of nowhere and waited. We soon heard it. The sound of the hell hounds barking. "I guess this is it. I just want you to know I love you guys."

Dean looked at me. "Oh cut the lovey dovey crap. We'll see you soon."

Then I was on the ground, with my chest being ripped open and blood spewing everywhere. My vision was slowly fading. The last thing I saw was everyone crying over my body. Then it was black. That's the story of how I died. Not too interesting or heroic. Just a girl out to save her family.

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