Chapter 9

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Summer's p.o.v
When I woke up the next morning I had a feeling of guilt. I felt horrible for turning down Brandon but I had to let that go because he pretended to break up with katie. He was a bad guy, and Dylan actually liked me. I liked him too Thats why I agreed to go on another date. We decided to go to Starbucks at 1:00pm, then a movie after. It was 11:30 now so I started getting ready I took a shower, brushed my teeth and my hair, and picked out the cutest outfit I had. I wore something to match the weather, it was 101 degrees outside. So I wore a pair of red shorts and a black tank top. By the time I finished getting ready it was already 12:40 so I got in my mustang and left. As I pulled in I seen Dylan's car I parked next to it. When I got out i had my phone in my hand, it lit up with a text from an unknown number. The text said

"I luv u so much summer u make my smile and laugh and u r so close to me without u I have no happiness ik Im a jerk but its probably because of how much I like u I hope we can get over our fight and just become the friends like we used to be."

I already knew it was from Brandon I didn't respond I just blocked the number and went inside the Starbucks. When I walked in I seen Dylan with the biggest smile on his face he stood up and asked me if I wanted him to order I said yes. I told him that I wanted a croissant and a cappuccino. When he came back he had 2 croissants, 1 cappuccino, and 1 mocha frap.

"Thank you," I said

"Your most certainly welcome."

"So u like mocha frap."

"Ya I mean its better than a cookie dough one so I think that Im winning"Dylan said.

Then my mom texted me saying she needed me at her house immediately, which was weird since I never talk to her, but I left and headed over there ASAP.

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