Chapter 6

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Summers p.o.v
It was already six and Dylan was coming to pick me up at seven so I was getting ready. I decided since we were going to dinner that I would wear a black and white formal dress that was a short sleeve with some black flats. The clock struck seven and the doorbell rang i ran down stairs and got the door.

"hey Dylan,"i said.

"hey you ready to go,"he said.

"yep let me just go grab my purse."

"you wont be needing a purse sweet stuff."

He is the full package he is nice hot and likes me for me what else does a girl want. We went the beach and walked the pieer after dinner.


It was after the date and we were at the door,

"i had a great time tonight,"i said.

"me too i just hope you dont stalk me like all my other dates haha,"he said.

"oh trust me i wont,"i say.

"well that is after this,"he says grabbing me by the face and pulling me into a french kiss. We stopped kissing and we said goodbye.i stepped in the house and scrame on the top of my lungs my dad yelled at me to shut up. So i went up stairs and went to sleep.

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