Chapter 1

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“Are you ready?” my best friend Jessica asks as she enters my room. I turn to look at her and she’s already ready wearing a pretty red dress.

“Emi! I told you to get ready!” she exclaims.

Ugh I think to myself. My hair and makeup is done but when I finished with my makeup I didn’t feel like going out anymore. Prom. Did I really have to go?                                       

“Jess, do I really have to go?” I ask. “I mean I don’t even have a date.” And it’s true I don’t have anyone to go with and I sure don’t want to be the third wheel with Jessica and her boyfriend Marco.

“So what? You’ll find a guy there. You’re not the only person who’s single you know?” Jessica tells me.

I sigh. There is no way I’m going to get out of this one. “C’mon. Get ready! You need to go out and distract yourself. Forget him.” 

“Well, thanks a lot for reminding me!” I respond.

“Whatever Emi, you’re always thinking about him. Let it go and just go with the flow,” she says.

How can I let it go? I ask myself. I don’t think I’ll ever let it go.

“Emi, listen. If it’s meant to be then it’s meant to be but if it isn’t then let it go. You need to learn to let go. It’s over. Done,” she says. “there’s tons of guys at prom who are going to want to dance with you.”

There’s only one boy I want to dance with. But he’s not here. He promised we would go to prom together. But yeah, Jessica is right; it’s over now. It’s been four months since the break up and I’m still not over it. It’s hard to try to forget about someone you love and care so much about. I had already decided that I wasn’t going to prom anymore but Jessica convinced me just two days ago and she even bought me the ticket but now I didn’t want to go anymore. I wasn’t ready.

“Emi, you look pretty! I love how your makeup and hair is done,” she tells me smiling. “Let me help you with the dress, yeah?”

“Fine,” I sigh.

“Great!” she says.

Blue. That’s the color of my dress. Blue. That’s how I’m feeling. Blue the color of the ocean and the sky we once stared at together. Blue. The color of his eyes. Stop it Emi! I think to myself. Stop thinking about him. I sigh and take off my clothes and let Jessica help me put on my dress. Then I put on my heels and some jewelry.

“You look gorgeous!” Jessica says excitedly and walks me to my mirror.

I look at myself and I love how I look. I smile and think to myself; yeah maybe I’ll meet someone new tonight.

“Now that’s the smile I was waiting to see!” Jessica says. “Time to go! Marco will be here any minute now.”

“Okay. But please no making out in front of me because I sure don’t want to feel like the third wheel!” I exclaim.

“Okay okay,” Jessica says smiling.

We exit my room and go down the stairs. My mother looks up from where she is sitting at the couch and she stands up and runs to us, “Oh my god! You girls look beautiful! I’m glad you decided to go after all sweetie!” she runs to get the camera. “Picture time!”

I roll my eyes. “Mom. No. please!”

“Smile!” she says.

Whatever. I say to myself as I fake smile.

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