chapter 1

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The forest was wet. It had been raining lightly nonstop all morning. The weather was putting Yvette in a foul mood. She hated the rain because it made her snowy white feathers heavy with water which made it hard to fly. Not that many would want to be out in the open today. The proof was in the dead silence that covered the forest. All on the isle could tell that a omen was a foot, and no one wanted to find out if it was a good or bad one. Yvette was one of the few that would put the question to the air which made the owl unpopular with the other resident of the island. This was because the island was mystical to say the least with powers that were unexplainable and sometimes unpredictable. To question those powers and existence of utopia is an unspoken rule as old as time, though the other animals weary of Yvette for other reasons. The matter at hand though was that something big was going to happen and everyone would be anxious until it did.

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Eve felt horrified at the thought of getting on the yacht. It wasn't because she couldn't swim,as a tiger she loved the water, but more of the fact that she had to get on the boat. Eve hated the constant swaying of the unnatural beast. The feel of the cool metal on her paws made Eve sick and the hum of the engine made her head rumble. unfortunately for Eve master wanted her there with him. Every other month master would take a trip to the seas and most of the time he took the mighty javan sumatran tiger with him. Eve loved her master. She would go where ever he want with little complaint.

He was kind man who gave his pet just enough freedom to keep her happy and on his side. Master would let Eve hunt for her meals in her own personal territory but other than that the tiger was a house pet. One that had spent most of her cub hood in humans care. For as long as she could remember master was both mother and friend.As a playmate he would give Eve toys that keep her happy and fit and as a care taker he gave her a pen the size of a small forest filled withall kinds of wild deers and pigs.

Today master had finally gotten a vacation after a month away from Eve. He wanted just the two of them together for a couple of days, plus Eve's keeper and the captain.

The well behaved animal was trusted to walk with restraints. Following her owner up a ramp and onto the yacht. Once on she placed herself on a bed of rugs and pillows in the center of the deck. Stretching her short stumpy legs in the sun felt good but the warmth couldn't ebb the impatience that prickled her fur. They had been at the docks most of the morning and Eve's frustration was showing by the rapid swishing of her tail.

Just as she started to growl in warning that they should get this trip started, Eve's owner came up and started to pet her massive head. This got a deep purr out of the cat.A sound grew deeper with pleasure as master called to start the ship.

Most would say that it was unnatural for a wild untamable animal to act like a house cat. Eve knew this for she had the pride of a wild cat with instinct to match. The only thing was that Eve didn't care. Long ago she had made a valve to stay with and protect her master til death. One that she intended to keep. So if it I meant playing domesticated so be it. Since the day that master had saved her from the hands of the killer men who planned to eat her,Eve's life had been filled with a happiness that would be keep for all time. Master is all that mattered in my life Eve thought as she licked her owner's face and playfully pawing him. As much as she hated the ship with master there this trip could be fun. 

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