chapter 3

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Hunter felt a shiver down his spine.He growled not sure what is was at first. At only a year old the manned wolf was still new to his job, every shift of the isle's barrier made him uneasy. As guard of the western beach it was his job to welcome new residents to crystal isle and defend it from anyone that meant harm. No one really knew where or how animals came to the island or why his clan of kin were chosen to be guards, instead of the on of the other more capable ones, but then again it was Hunters guess that they were to scared to ask. he on the other hand hated this grand magical title of keeper of the gate and would rather be enjoying life as a normal manned wolf (even though he didn't even know what that meant). No visitors of any kind had come to land in generations,so what am i here for. he growled in his head.And the past few "warning" have been nothing but human junk. I bet this time will be the same. With a very displeased huff and a small prickle of unease he started down the beach looking for anything out of place. a pawprint,trash of some sort or more than likely seaweed.

The young wolf was certainly surprised when he found none of this but instead a body. A body of an animal he'd never seen. It laid there half out of the water, its red orange fur matted and covered in small cuts ,some of which were still bleeding. Hunter was unsure what to think of the creature. It's black markings reminded him of his own, the symbol of this clan's status, except theirs looked more like old scars and covered its body instead of its shoulders. the markings looked nowhere near as elegant as the swirls that paint his body.

He moved closer cautiously, the thing looked dead but one could never be to sure.Hunter sniffed at it, the thing smelled of salt water and something else. he explored its plet more and recoiled at the smells. He knew this smell will after rooting through so much human junk. Whatever it was it was probably of human design and by law all human belongings were to be disposed of. But that meant killing it and hunter couldn't do that to something so animal like and clearly alive.He point at it with a paw and the animal moaned and started coughing up water. This made Hunter jump back.

"this thing is definitely alive...I better call someone over the knowns what is going on" he said more to himself than the creature.

He quickly marked the area around the thing warning any passerbyers to stay away ,then he tapped into the isle's power,signaling of the other great clansmen for help.once that was done the wolf began dragging the thing out of the water and cross the beach a few centimeters at a time to the safety of the treeline to sit and wait for the call to be answered. Hunter was really starting to wish that it was just trash that had rolls onto the shores today.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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