Chapter 14

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"So since everything's worked out now, do you want to go like.. out tonight? No acting, just us?" Niall asked with hope in his eyes.

"Like a date?" I asked, trying to hold back a smile.

"Yeah, that."

"Hmm, I don't know. I'll have to check my schedule."

"Oh.. okay." Niall's face dropped.

"Niall, I'm completely free the rest of the summer, of course I'll go," I laughed. His face was instantly replaced with a smile.

"Great! Be ready to leave by six."

"Wait, where are we going? Do I need to dress up? What should I wear? What are we doing?"

"Lauren! Calm down, just dress casually. This is me you're going with," he laughed.

"Right," I said, slightly embarrassed.

"See you in a bit," he said with a smile.


"KENZIE!" I yelled.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" I heard her voice shout from downstairs.

"COME HELP ME!" I pleaded. I heard her stomp up the stairs, and she didn't hesitate to take her time.

"What could be so important that it has to interrupt me in the middle of One Tree Hill?" she grumbled as she stood in the doorway.

"I don't know what to wear." After seeing her unsatisfied face, I added, "for a date."

"A date you say?" she smirked. "Does it just so happen to be with Harold?"

"What?" I asked, all of the air knocked out of my body. Out of every response she could've said, that was definitely not one I was expecting. She waved a paper around in front of me.

"What, you didn't think you'd be caught making out with Mr.Player?" she continued to smirk.

"He is not a player," Kass scoffed behind Kenzie. Kenzie jumped at the unexpected voice behind her, but rolled her eyes when she found Kass behind her.

"It's not polite to eavesdrop," Kenzie stated.

"It's also not very polite for you and Louis to keep the rest of us awake every night. Can't you keep the moaning to a minimum?" Kass snapped back. Kenzie's jaw dropped as she stared back. I pressed my lips together as I struggled not to laugh.

"What?" Kass said innocently. "Someone had to say it." I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. Kenzie glared at me and struggled with a come back.


"Hey!" I said. "Stop fighting, I need to find an outfit."

"So you can go out with Harry?" Kenzie said, just for the purpose of ticking off Kass.

"I'm going out with Niall."

"Yeah, Harry's with me," Kass said proudly.

"Well that's news to me," Kenzie said, waving around the picture of me and Harry kissing.

"You obviously don't know the story behind that picture," Kass stated.

"Well nobody ever told me.."

"Hmm, wonder why."

"STOP!" I shouted. "Harry got drunk, and that happened. So shut up and be nice." Kass and Kenzie didn't seem too happy, but they stayed quiet. "Blue or green?" I asked, holding up my tops.

"Blue," they said in unison.

"Well, at least we can agree on something," Kenzie said.


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