Nightmares Are Not Friends

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Sunset Shimmer's P.O.V.

I looked at the Princess in confusion. "Sister?" I ask. "I never knew you had a sister?"

"Hardly anypony knows about her," the princess began. "Almost a thousand years ago....she disappeared." Celestia hesitated to say. She used her magic, making a brown dusty book appear. It landed on the ground with a bang; dust spreading around as it dropped. "Read this book. I know you studied all week The Starswirl the Bearded spells, but this book has information about my sister."

I nodded as I levitated the book and placed it in my saddlebag. "Is that all you needed?" I asked, trying my best not to rush her.

"Well, sort of. All the spells you've don't have to perform them for me. But, don't forget may need them for the future," As Celestia said those words, she lead me out of long, dim hallway, and back into the main foyer of the castle. "Please return the book once you finish it." I nodded, then I headed my way out of the castle.

When I arrived back at my house, I headed straight for my room, ignoring my welcome home from my parents. I immediately flipped open the book to the first page, then I began to read the story about Celestia's sister. The first page explained about the princess' sister, Luna; a dark blue alicorn whose hair is a light periwinkle color. It first explained Luna's secret intentions towards Celestia, which was mostly jealously. I continued to read on until I read a certain page that read:

"One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her. But the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness, Nightmare Moon."

At that moment I slammed the book closed, not reading the rest. I began to pant at the horror of what Luna had become. I thought of Celestia and that it was her fault all along. Instead of reading the rest, I quickly trotted downstairs to eat dinner, but also get my mind off of what happened.

That night after dinner, I went straight to bed. I covered myself under my heavy layers of blankets, then drifted off to sleep.

During the night, I twisted and turned in my covers, trying to get comfortable in my bed. Strangely, I tried to open my eyes, but their was no luck. It felt like I was trapped in my own dream.  Finally I woke up, but I wasn't in my room. To be honest, I wasn't in a room at all, instead I was stranded alone in a entirety black area. Suddenly, I heard hoofsteps coming towards me. I turned around and quickly moved my small four legs, running in full speed. Sadly, instead of finding hope and finally getting out of this dream, I ran into a wall, but it was just like every other wall in this room. Black. I felt like I was trapped in a box, but I knew I wasn't alone, something else was. Something that may perhaps wanted to devour my soul.

Before I could turn around and run the other way to escape this nightmare, something tall stood before me. I gulped then looked up. A black mare which a extremely long horn, Pegasus wings like no other, a silver royal necklace, helmet, long royal shoes, and finally her blue, a smoky mane and tail. She extended her wings, then bent down to my height, her sharp cat-like eyes staring down at mine.

"Hello Sunset Shimmer," her voice was sweet, yet terrifying. "A young filly like you shouldn't cower like that. I'm one-hundred percent sure that I shall not hurt you." I slowly lifted my hooves away from my eyes, then looked up at her, still not fully trusting her. Suddenly, I gazed at the black mare in complete astonishment.

"Y-you're N-Nightmare Moon!" I stutter in a tremulous tone. Nightmare Moon gave me a sinister grin, showing her sharp teeth.

"Indeed I am," I watched as she stood up, now once again towering over me. "Finally, somepony remembers me." I heard a small chuckle escape her mouth, causing me to get a shiver down my spine.

"Um...well I was actually given a book from Princess Celestia about you...sort of," I hesitate to say. Once again, Nightmare Moon extends her wings in disgust, staring down at me.

"Ah, Celestia. All of those horrific memories are coming back to me. I assume you follow in her hoofsteps, am I correct?" she responds, now bent down to my height again. The tip of her smoky mane touched my chin, causing me to cringe.

"Well, not exactly." I answer, still frightened. "I attend her school and I learn spells." She straightens her back, then she turned around, still in the same place as before.

"Don't listen to her," she claims, her tone suddenly rising. "She isn't worth to anyone in this world, especially you. You are different, but in a unique way." She turned around once again, now facing me. "Someday, great power will rise within you. You will desire more and become a terrifying monster that could destroy pony-kind...just like me..." her voice trailed off as she spoke those last words.

Fear grew inside me, then I began to scream, "No! Stop! Please stop!" I shrieked. Suddenly, I heard the sweet, comforting voices of my parents. I opened my eyes and noticed them calming me down with their soothing voices.

"Honey, did you have a nightmare?" my dad asked in a concerning tone. I nodded as I gripped my covers. They sat on my bed and began to comfort me by saying heartwarming things and giving me hugs.

A few minutes later they felt, leaving me alone to fall back asleep. I hope I never get that dream ever again. But, what did Nightmare Moon mean when saying "Someday, great power will rise within you. You will desire more and become a terrifying monster that could destroy pony-like...just like me...?" I hope I soon uncrack that code and know what she truly means.

Hey everypony. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Finally the book is getting better and I will update the next chapter soon. Have a nice day. Bye!


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