Settling In

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Sunset Shimmer's P.O.V.

"Hello, girls," the girl sitting before the desk greeted. She was no other than this world's Princess Celestia.

Normally, a pony who stepped before her would bow respectfully,  however, my new friends did not. She did not wear a crown at all, not even a gown. It was just normal clothing that a common ponyfolk would wear. How I identified her you ask? Her mane. I've never seen a pony's mane with such strong color and in a glamorous pattern.

She turned her head towards me. "Hello, I'm not sure I we've met."

I shook my head. "No, prin—I mean miss."

"Well then," she continued. "I'm Principal Celestia. Welcome to Canterlot High School. I'm sure these girls will help you around the school if you need help with something. Now, you might you be?"

"I'm Sunset Shimmer. Um...pleasure to meet you, Principal Celestia." I stuttered slightly. After all, her counterpart in Equestria was a reason for me to abandon my home and to come to this one.

"Same as well, Sunset Shimmer. Now, if you need anything else, don't be shy to stop by and ask. I'll be glad to help." she kindly addressed. "Despite that, please return to my office after the tour these friendly girls will offer. I'll have your schedule done in only a few minutes."

"Okay," I replied then turned to the girls.

"I hope you enjoy our school," she concluded as we walked out into the hallway.

There was a sudden shut of the door, causing me to jump, almost loosing balance. What can I say? I can barely walk on these and this new experience is not working for me well.

I noticed the girls smiling at me as one of them, Applejack, grabbed my hand. "Come on, Sugarcube, it's best that we start the tour now before the halls get too crowded. That might make you a bit uncomfortable since its your first day and you're new."


It was about ten minutes after the small tour was over. Everyone showed and explained where and what each class was about. I was especially thrilled to hear that there was a science lab. I remember that science was my favorite subject back in Canterlot, along with Magic. Concocting new formulas and gaining new calculations was my specialty.

Some students that entered the school early—who had come to either finish a project or meet up with friends—noticed me. Some either murmured insults or compliments. I did not mind though, I have experienced the same thing in the past.

After the girls finished, they stopped by the front door of the library.

"Ooh, one more thing!" Pinkie Pie added as she pointed to a poster that was attached to the wall. "Since school has started and it's still technically summer, Principal Celestia is allowing the students to organize the Summer Formal!"

"The Summer Formal?" I asked in an unsure tone. I wonder if it was similar to Summer Sun Celebration. "Is that some kind of where you celebrate the last and longest day of summer?"

The girls gave me a questioning look. Something told me that it had nothing to do with what I just said.

"Um, not exactly," Fluttershy addressed. "It's actually a dance."

I replied with a simple, 'oh'.

"Ooh! And there's all kinds of sweets like cake, candy, cupcakes, pastries!" Pinkie's mouth watered at the thought of all the delicious food.

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