"Oh dear. It seems to have grown twice your size."

6 0 0

With my hand set upon my chin, I circled the room examining everyone's place at the table. Mr Bubble's, the big, blue blob of a stuffed animal, Snuggles, the Brown cat, and finally Liam, the tiger, all gathered around the set table, with it set and ready, of course. The teacup was full of freshly brewed tea, right in the middle so as no one would have trouble reaching it. Each person had their own tea cup, that sat on a platter, so the tablecloth wouldn't have to be sacrificised. Everything seemed to be in order, I thought satisfied.

No one moved yet. They knew I wasn't ready. There was still one thing left. I pattered across the attic towards the big window, and pulled its curtains apart. Dust scattered every which way. With a cough and a wave of my hand, I quickly got back to business.

"May I pour the tea, madam?" Henry, the butler asked as if he already knew the answer. I flicked my hand, giving the signal and he went about it. My guests turned towards me waiting patiently.

"Oh! Right. Where's my manners?" I quickly took my place in the gathering and laid a napkin in my lap.

"Well, then. Let's get started." Liam fixed his eye monocle, and sipped his tea, careful not to get his fur wet.

Mr. Bubbles was the only one who wasn't already drinking his tea. I examined him over, then preceeded to ask, "Is something wrong Mr. Bubbles?"

"I should be asking you that question. You seem preoccupied today." He must of noticed I wasn't fully here, with them, today.

"Yes, I see that you are quite observant. Well, my mother hasn't come in yet today. It's very strange. She usually comes in my room by now, and greets me after she's off."

"Mmm, don't worry Sarah. I'm sure that she is busy attending to something." Snuggles purred.

"She always comes in by 4 o'clock. Usually right at 4. She knows that I like good, even numbers."

"Yes. Even numbers are good." Liam looked over his shoulder at the clock. The little hand was just barely hovering over the 5. "It'd be such a shame if she came in just now."

"She's late. She's late. Oh she's very very late." Snuggles chanted.

"Quiet!" I shouted. I couldn't take their chattering anymore. I closed my eyes, and put my hands over my ears to shut them out. Soon there were still again. The tea cups were how I left them.

Soon I heard noises downstairs. I was sure that it was mother. No one else would be home at this time. Dad wouldn't be home for another hour, at 6. That was good. Not bad at all.

I got up from my chair, careful to push it back into it's place, before adjusting my dress. The boards squeaked underneath my feet as I walked across the dusty room, to the door right opposite from the window. I hadn't noticed till now how musty the air smelled. I felt thick and muggy, like there was mold growing inbetween the molecules it held. With every passing breath I tried not to envision mold spores collecting in my lungs, waiting for the perfect time to sprout, taking me over.

I reached my hand out for the golden knob. The farther I reached the farther the knob got. There wasn't a way I was going to be able to reach it. I closed my eyes and breathed in short steady breathes. Then I carefully opened them again, but the room just kept stretching beyond my reach. I was getting smaller, and the door was getting bigger. There was more racket downstairs. This time, something was broken. No, shattered. Glass maybe?

I jumped up and down reaching for the door. I need to get downstairs. I need to. My mother could be in danger. My heart was rapidly beating in my chest now, as if it were trying to escape and get out before it was too late. The knob was now bigger than my head, and everytime I did swat it with my hand, they were too sweaty to get a grip.

I decided to take a look around the room. Mr. Bubbles was sitting tentavily in one of the chairs, enjoying the rest of his tea.

"You look absolutly miserable." He sneered.

"Quickly. I need your assistance."

"Oh? How so?"

"That door over there," I pointed. "It's too tall for me. Can you help?"

"Oh dear. It seems to have grown twice your size. Well, no matter. I think I have an idea. " Mr. Bubbles carefully set his tea down, and quickly slid off his chair. He wobbled over towards the door. His bubble legs, caused a squeaking noise whenever they rubbed together. He sat down in front of the door, and with gasping breaths he waved me over. "Ok, now you'll want to jump on me." I looked at him oddly. "Quickly. Hurry now." He persisted.

I suddenly knew what he was getting at. I gathered up the sides of my dress with both hands and readied myself to run. Then with a quick burst I ran towards Mr. Bubbles and jumped on his belly and as quick as I came I flew into the air towards the door knob. With all my weight coming back down, I grabbed ahold of the knob causing it to spin. But with a jolt, there was resistance. The door was locked.

I landed in a tumble across the now giant floor boards. All three of my stuffed animals, now fully animated once again, gave me looks of worry. I adjusted myself, patting the dust off my ragged dress, and stood up. Once I had straighted, I peered up at the towering door.

"Oh dear. However are we going to get the door open now?" I fretted.

Liam pounced over towards me, and slid beside me. Snuggles and Mr. Bubbles followed suit and patted my back in a reassurance.

"Your mother always keeps the door locked. Remember?" Liam reminded me.

"Yes, of course. She says that the outside is too dangerous." I started to calm down knowing I was safe within these walls.

"Much too dangerous." Snuggles purred rubbing his head against me.

"If you try to leave, the bad men will come and take you away." Mr. Bubbles tipped his hat towards the window.

"Your mother will come soon enough." Liam reassured.

"Yesss. Until then you should stay with us." Snuggles grinned, showing his tiny sharp teeth.

I nodded my head in agreement. "You're right. They'll be back any minute." I said as I walked back to the table. Once we had all comfortable sat back in our spots, when started to laugh in joy. The room stopped stretching and morphing and I regained my normal size.

"Until then, let's enjoy out tea party." We clanged classes in cheers, while I waited patiently for my parents return. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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