My New Neighor -Harry Styles Fanfic

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"Looks like there is a new family moving into the house next door," My mom announced looking through the blinds of the living room. I placed my laptop on the couch and walked over next to my mom. I noticed a moving truck and and a couple other cars in the driveway.

"Come on Audrey, less go help them out," She tugged me to the front entrance. "Wait let me get my shoes on," I sighed. Throwing my body on the couch I reached down and grabbed my vans slipping them onto my feet. "Okay, now lets go," I said standing up.

When we got to the house, we saw a woman, about my moms age, placing boxes on the floor. "Um, hello there," My mother began. "I am Sam and this is my daughter Audrey. We live In the house next door and were wondering if you needed help moving in?"

The lady smiled and walked over to us brushing a piece of hair behind her ear that must have fallen from her bun. "That would be amazing. Oh, and by the way, My name is Mary Styles," She held out a hand for us to shake.

"So what do you need me to move for you," I inquire. Mary looks up at me and points at a box set by the stairs that read 'Harrys room-Clothes'. Does she have a son? "Can you please take this up stairs to the room at the end of the hall?" "Sure," I smiled, picking the heavy box up off the wooden floor.

Carefully, I carried the box up the stairs. Turning the corner I tripped dropping the box. Just when I thought I was going to fall to the ground something caught me. After a second or two of keeping my eyes tightly closed I slowly opened them to reveal a stunning green pair of eyes looking into mine. Speechless, I got off the boy and picked the box back up walking to the room.

After I placed it on a bed I turned to see the same boy leaning against the doorway with a smirk. I stood still as he stared up and down at my body. Suddenly, he took a few steps coming closer to me. As he came closer I backed away. When my back hit the wall I jumped. Crap. What does he want?

He stopped with his boy pressed up against mine. "I'm Harry," He smirked grabbing both of my hands. "And you are?"

"A-Audrey," I shuddered. What is he doing? "Cute name for a cute girl," My cheeks flushed at his words. Starring into his eyes I couldn't help but notice how distracting they were. No matter what, I ended up looking right back into his beautiful green iris'.

Harry leaned down and began kissing my neck. I froze as my breathing sped up. He took a small patch of skin between his teeth and sucked a bit. I closed my eyes and bit my lip.

Don't do it Audrey. Don't do it.

I let a small moan leave my lips before he let go and kissed the sore patch of skin. I opend my eyes and looked at him as he backed away. "Looks good," He smirked. "I uh, I've got to go," I blurted, stepping away from the wall. "Not so fast there Audrey," Harry said. He gripped my waist with one hand and pulled me close again. He reached into my back pocket taking my phone. As I heard the dail tone I could tell he was putting his number in. Well, I can just delete it when I get home. But when his phone lit up I knew automatically that he sent himself a text and now has my number. Aw, crap.

Harry placed my phone in its previous place and let me go with a wink. "I um, okay. Bye" I spoke walking away quickly. What just happened? Why did I just let him give me this, this love bite? Why didn't I push him off? God im so stupid.

Going down stairs I pulled my hair out of its existing pony tail and hid the dark mark on my lower neck. I saw my mom and Mary sitting on the couch talking. I tried not to be seen walking to the front door but I failed. "Audrey? Are you going home?" My mom walked over. "Uh, yeah," I mumbled. "Okay, well do you mind starting dinner? I invited Mary and her son to come over for dinner," Oh my god. Really mom? Ugh. I don't really like you at the moment. "Sure," I gave her a weak smile. "Alright, I will be home soon," and with that I walked myself home.

After I shut the door I went straight to the bathroom flipping my hair out of the way. I saw the dark pink mark with a few splotches of purple. My mouth dropped. Are you kidding me!?

I sprinted up the stairs to my room and put some foundation over the sore. The makeup didn't work like I wanted it too, but it wasn't as noticeable. But if I wasn't careful my mom would see it, so I had to keep it hidden.

Leaving my room I began making dinner for the guess's we were having over. "Smells good, Audrey!" My mom yelled from the doorway. "Thanks," I yelled back. Sam walked in and looked at the stove. "Alright, I think I can take it from her honey," I ran up stairs and threw my body on my bed. I took my phone out of my back pocket to see I had two unread text messages. I unlocked the screen and checked who sent them.

Both were from my friend Skylar.

'Hey what's up ~Sky'

'Are you there? ~Sky'

'Yea sowwey, was helping out the neighbors ~Audrey'

When I was through replying I tossed my phone onto my bed and walked over to my closet looking for something more desent to wear other than a old T-shirt and sweats. Pushing clothes around I found a casual blouse and a pair of skinny jeans. Undressing, put on my new outfit. Looking in my mirror I smiled. Okay, that looks fine.

While looking in the mirror I heard my phone go off and I picked it up off the bed. I unlocked it to see the name Harry on the screen. Oh god, what does he want? I opened the text to read;

'Thanks for the show love(; xx'

When realization hit me I ran directly to my window. The first thing I saw was Harry sitting on his bed with his phone with a smile. My eyes grew wide as I jerked the curtains closed. Well this is awkward.

I dialed Skylar's number and waited impatiently as it rang.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Sky! Oh my god," Was the first thing that slipped.

"What? Audrey what happened!?" Sky shouted with worry in her voice.

"Okay, well uh, we have new neighbors. And the boy, he kind of um, gave me a love bite. And just now saw me changing. The he will be here with his mom for dinner at 6," I said in a low voice. For a moment Skylar was silent from shock.

"But it is 6 now," Was all she said before I heard the sound of our doorbell.

"Crap. I got to go Sky. I will let you know what happens after wards," I hung up and jogged down stairs to the door. Here we go.

I opened the door to reveal Harry and his mother standing on our doorstep. They were both dressed up casually. Mary in a nice Blouse and a nice skirt while Harry had a short sleeve-white button-up shirt with dark blue jeans on. "Come in," I gave a weak smile allowing them to go past. When They both were inside the house I closed the door. When I turned around harry pushed me up against the door with his body. Oh no, Not again.

Harry flipped my hair off my shoulder and noticed how I tried to cover the mark. He let out a small chuckle at the sight. He leaned down towards my neck again, his curly hair brushed against my cheek before his soft lips kissed the sore. "looks lovely on you," He whispered. His warm breath hit my skin making me flinch a little.

"Audrey?" My mom called. "W-We should go," I shuddered as he looked up in to my eyes. Harry smirked and walked into the dining room. I followed close behind. Mary and Sam were already sitting at the table with a glass of wine each.

As Harry and I sat down our moms watched us with concerned looks. "Audrey? Harry?" We both looked up at our mothers. "Why did it take you so long to get to the table?" My mom asked. "Yeah, it took you two a while to get to the table," Mary went on. Harry and I both froze and stared at each other, waiting for one of us to give an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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