Losing a bet to Yuffie

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This one is this year's Valentine's day fanfic, (or random day if it's not when you're reading this at a different day) not smutty sadly due to time constraints, in which includes Cloud x Leon/Squall. Since I just finished playing Kingdom Hearts 2 with everyone's ultimate weapon, I decided why the fuck not? I ship Cleon and there aren't many of them so I might as well. With Cloud being the Uke while Leon being the Seme, of course.


Cloud and Yuffie make a bet to see if Cloud could win the Hercules Cup and Cloud ends up losing to Sora in the final round. Since the loser has to do whatever the winner says, Yuffie makes Cloud dress up as a girl and Cloud does not want to go through that again. (referencing FF7 on that one) Crackfic/Cleon. Takes place during the events of KH1.

Warning contains a very yaoi fangirl Yuffie. (and boy x boy stuff if you didn't like that sort of stuff)

"Nooo. I don't want to..." the blond groaned.

"Come on Cloud a bet's a bet and you lost!"

"But Yuffie I don't want to dress up as a girl."

"Aww Cloud but you looked so cute when you dressed up as a girl in Midgar."

"No Aerith! I hated every second of it! And don't give Naruto over there any ideas!" Cloud said blushing.

Aerith sighed, "Too late."

Yuffie was scavenging through her closet with more motivation until she found a silky purple dress.

"Ahah! Found it! I was saving this one for Cloud in case he lost!" The ninja said with glee.

"Um what did you two bet over?" The brunette asked.

The blonde sighed, "We made a bet that who would win in the Hercules Cup at Mount Olympus and I lost to Sora, the loser does whatever the winner wants them to do. If I won Yuffie would've gave me back all the materia that she stole from me." Cloud explained.

"But you lost Cloudster now suck it up." Yuffie said right when the blond finished.

The ninja laid all the things she needed on her bed. "Now... Strip!" The raven haired ninja said in determination.

"What!?" Cloud said surprised.

"Well how else are you going to get dressed in this dress?" Yuffie questioned.

The teen got the dress, gave it to Cloud, and pushed him inside the bathroom.

"Yuffie, how come you're making Cloud dress up as a girl?" Aerith asked.

Yuffie walked out of her room and signaled Aerith to follow her. She looked back into her room to see if Cloud was done yet and looked back at the brunette.

"Well I found out that Cloudster has a little crush on Leon and I decided to take action since I know Cloud won't make a move yet. And I'm pretty sure I can make this work and it could also make Leon have the hots for Cloudy. I'm gonna finally make my OTP canon!"

"Okay. And how do you know that?"

"Herd Cloud talking to Vincent on the phone. Don't worry Cloudster will thank me one day."

"Umm Yuffie is this how you wear it?" Cloud asked nervously.

Yuffie looked in her room and saw a very flustered Cloud in front of her. The dress was a light shade purple, was lacy on the ends, long sleeved, had a few bows on the sides, and the length of the dress was right above the blonde's knees. This made the Ninja fangirl, in her mind, and more hyped up to go with her plan.

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