I am a frigid winter, tragically misunderstood. Although people accept it as a part of their life, the never hesitate to resent it. I am called cold and desolate, for what because I do not shine as bright as the fair summer.

I possess aspirations of endearing company but am given the cold shoulder. My exterior is glacial, encrusted with protective facades. I am not just another season you can wait out.

I am like a snowflake, a beautiful entrancement. Looking beyond the surface, I am one of a kind. My fragility was ambiguous, but you were the one who watched me melt. Your affiliation with this angel is not seasonal, there will be one thousand winters before appeasement.

I cherished the snow angel so, but her kisses were hypothermic. Walking on a love so thin that I was capsized. Your missives are avalanches, they suddenly destroy all hope but upon settlement are serene realms. I was engulfed in a flurry of ice daggers and betrayal.

Your travels throughout my perfect dominion will never be forgotten, and I will never be the same. The feeling of being walked all over is more than a metaphor, your footprints are unfathomable caverns upon my heart.

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