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One day old lunches & grudge holding teachers  :

*Gen & Erick*

I plopped my bottom down next to Erick at our regular lunch table, placing my tray of food carefully on the table so my apple wouldn't drop. "Babe , you need help?" I heard Erick ask while grabbing my apple and taking a bite out of it while I sat my tray down. I gave Erick the death stare, "really ? You just had to take my apple, ugh you're so annoying." I complained while slightly pushing him.

"But you love me." He stated still taking bite after bite out of my apple. How could I not love him. Even with his annoying self he made me pretty happy. We've been together for almost a year now and it's the longest relationship I've ever been in , the only relationship I've had actually.

"She's only with you because I'm taken." I heard a familiar voice say behind us , Yoandri. Yoandri was a close friend of ours . We had like our own small group that consisted of more than five people. Been together since middle school actually, the beginning of sixth grade.

"Yeah okay , Yoyo." I rolled my eyes taking a bite out of my sandwich. The sandwich was as terrible as every other school lunch. It tasted a day late and was hard to bite into. "Why can't the cafeteria ever serve good food? Like lasagna or sushi?" I let the sandwich fall onto the tray without a care and made a pouted face .

"Maybe because it's school Gen not a five star restaurant." Yoandri laughed at my complaining . I took my apple back out of Ericks hand and took a bite out of what was left .

We waited for the rest of the squad to arrive to lunch and one by one they came . The squad consisted of :

Yoyo and Jess , they been dating for about a couple months now , 4 to be exact.

And Sebas and Mariana , those two barely started dating after Mariana finally agreed to being his girlfriend on a movie date . I wonder how Sebas finally got her to say yes, he's been begging for longer than they've been dating.

"She's literally trying to ruin my day, I hate her so much, ughhh." a mad Jess stormed her way towards her seat next to Yoyo. I've seen her mad but she was furious today.

"Whose trying to ruin your day Jess?" I ask innocently hoping she won't start ranting about this topic throughout the entire lunch period .

"Fraga." Yoyo answered for her .

"How do you know it's Fraga?" I took another bite of my apple.

"I know my girl." Yoyo said getting up to stand behind Jess and start massaging her shoulders. "It's okay babe what did she do this time?"

"She hates me, she lowers my grade for no F**king reason." Jess's frustration was getting to me too . Jess thinks that Mrs.Fraga hates her ever since the beginning of the school year when Jess confused her for a pregnant woman, when in reality holiday food made her gain a couple pounds . It's nothing new to us .

"And I know she has favorites and Isa is one of them." She hit the table with her hand , "ouch ugh I hate life."

"Wait Isa ? Johanns Isa ?" Erick spoke for the first time since Jess had gotten here.

"Yes , you know her ?" Jess asked .

"She sits behind me in chemistry." He nodded .

"I hate her." She growled.

"You only hate her because she wasn't the one who pointed out that Mrs.Fraga had a pregnant stomach from eating too much holiday food." I laughed at remembering what Jess had done .

"Shut up Gen." She frowned.

"Hey guys what did we miss?" Sebas said while taking his seat in the table with Mariana by his side. "Anything new?" Mariana asked .

"No. The Jess problems only and how the cafeteria should serve better food." I said . "By the way where were you guys ? You took awfully too long to get here."

"We were helping the new kid, what was his name babe ?" Sebas asked Mariana placing his arm over her shoulders.

"Joel ?" Mariana thought .

"He didn't talk much a very anti-social guy, he's like those mysterious dudes with lots of secrets, you know as if he were to be hiding something." Sebas explained. "Lacostei wanted us to bring his books to the main office, so helping him was obligatory."

"Sebas chill he wasn't that mysterious and I doubt he would be hiding something." Mariana said .

For the remainder of the lunch period we talked a little more about Fraga and the new guy . When the bell rang I went over to my locker to leave my unneeded books.

I looked over to my right where I saw a unrecoverable face . No one had a locker next to me and it's being occupied now , 'that must be the new guy' I thought . He's not bad looking, you could say he's very attractive. He had a very exquisite sense of style . Sexy , very very sexy .

"Close your mouth rat or you'll drool all over the floor ." I heard a b**chy Jenni say while walking around me . She thinks she's all that because she's super pretty and people kiss up to her due to the fact that her mother is the principal of the school.

"Shut up Jenwhore," I roll my eyes. "I wasn't drooling and my mouth wasn't opened." Okay maybe a little but I have a boyfriend and I happen to like him very much . Jenni wants to test me and get on my last nerve .

"Mmhmm, hey rat don't you have a boyfriend ? I don't think he would cherish the news about his so called loyal girlfriend drooling over other guys that aren't him." She slammed the door to her locker and smile devilish while leaving my presence.

If I had a gun for every time I talked to her I probably wouldn't be free . 'Enjoy your Liberty while you can Gen , enjoy.' I said to myself .

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