continuation .

126 11 13

New dudes & old pals


5th period:
So maybe this morning wasn't as bad as I thought it was at first. I think the only reason I thought it was a bad morning was because I was late to my first period class, English. It was one of my favorite classes I enjoyed going to school matter of fact.

I can't stop thinking about how Micke could ever fall for me. I wasn't his usual type of girl. He was hot and very popular. Me? Well I wasn't all that. I was afraid at first him falling for a girl like me who didn't party or do anything the "cool kids" do.

"Lizbeth??" I heard a familiar voice call. It was my teacher. She was looking at me weird probably wondering why I was day dreaming in the middle of her lesson. I looked up.

"Yes ? Mrs.Finley." I said blinking a couple times to get a clear view of her pale face noticing how her red lipstick was on her teeth. As she talked to me that's all I saw, the lipstick on her teeth.

"Are you paying attention?" I nodded.
She removed her hand away from her hip and erased her serious expression off of her face. She then proceeded to teaching her lesson while turning around to write on the board.

"Thinking about Micke ?" Cristal my best friend teased from behind me. I laughed and rolled my eyes at her. Cristal and I have known each other for a couple of years already, probably since 1st grade when she asked to borrow my crayons and I refused to share because the kids in that school would not give them back.

We hated each other for the rest of the week and Cristal would occasionally give me the cutest dirty looks. We became closer the week after that because our moms knew each other from high school and when my mom found out that Cristal was Rebecca's daughter they started to make us go to each other's houses.

"Shut up Cristal." I whispered. I heard her giggle from behind me. I tried to listen to the teacher but it was impossible. The bell rang after another 12 minutes of this class. It was time for lunch. Cristal spent lunch with us, Micke and I . I always felt like she was uncomfortable because Micke talks nonstop and he's usually flirty.

We left the classroom as soon as possible to walk over to our lockers and leave our unnecessary books in there. Cristals locker was a couple lockers away from mine and I was closer to the hallway leading us to the lunch room.


I decided that today I wasn't going to go to the lunchroom with Micke and Lizbeth. It had gotten a little old to me to keep accompanying them to the lunchroom when it's obvious that try needed some privacy. I put away the books that I did not need for the next class and grabbed my due library books.

I closed my locker and my lock fell out of my hand. "F**k." I whispered under my breathe. I bent down to grab it and as my hand was approaching the lock another hand fell over mine.

I looked up. It was a boy. Haven't really seen him before but his eyes were so beautiful. His eyelashes long and curled. He was looking right back at me and as I examined his face for a split second the moment started to get a bit awkward.

I realized he had removed his hand away from mine giving me access to grab my lock. We stood up straight. "Sorry, I saw you struggling there." He said pointing at the books in my hand.

"Oh haha." I said feeling a bit weird but giving him an awkward smile. He nodded and continued his way.

Why am I like this?

I should've said thank you, but my dumb self couldn't think straight at the moment.

"Ugh." I let out a groan.

"Woah, someone's upset." Micke scared me from behind making me drop my lock once again. I face palmed myself. Micke laughed and picked up my lock. Along came lizbeth to ask me if I was ready to eat lunch with them.

I explained that I needed to study and some privacy and that I was only invading their space. They being the lovely and nice couple that they are insisted on me going and that I didn't invade anyone's privacy. I rolled my eyes. "Guys I've spent lunch with you two for the past year." I pleaded. "Let me be for just one days besides you guys need it."

They gave me the 'are you sure?' look. I looked at them with desperation as if they were my parents and I was asking them to let me go to a party. After a few more seconds my starring they agreed to go to lunch without me. I double checked to make sure that u had grabbed all of my things before heading over to the library.

I walked downstairs to the 1st floor where the library was located. It was a big room where you could see the natural light reflecting from outside through the windows. I have not been here since I last checked these books out and boy it was a while, "These books are overdue." the librarians assistant tells me. Yikes.

I gave her a quick explanation as to why these books have been late, her assistant is nice. If it would've been the librarian informing me of such news that these books were overdue I would've able to get her off my back for the remainder of my lunch period.

Once I had finished returning the books back to where they belonged and explained why they were so late, I proceeded to take a spot at the nearest table. Nearest to a window and further in the back of the library where I could be at peace.

I sat down. I tapped my nails on the table thinking of something to do while in here. I got up from my seat looking for more books. Fiction or Non-Fiction? I wasn't sure yet. I kept walking and looking for a new book to have my "face in" for the rest of this week.

"Ouch." I had bumped into someone who I had just seen earlier. "I'm sorry." I apologized for being so clumsy today. I just don't really look where I'm going. I moved passed him because he didn't say anything to my apology and it felt super uncomfortable.

"Are you following me?" He accused. I looked back at him debating whether he was being serious or not. This boy had no expressions whatsoever. He seems pretty serious by the looks of it.

"No?" I said confused. Why would I want to follow him? I don't even know him. He looked at me weirded out. Making me feel insecure, he was , of course, perfect. I felt him judging every flaw in my skin.

I turned around attempting to walk away when he wrapped his hand around my arm, stopping my exit. "Wait." I turned around to give him my full and awkward attention. "I didn't mean for it to sound bad when I asked you if you were following me."

"It's fine." I said. He let go of my arm and extended his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Joel." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Cristal." I shook his hand. His hand was bigger than mine and it was so soft. "Are you new here?"

"Yeah, actually I moved here just two weeks ago." He reached for the books on the shelf. "I needed a fresh start."

"From what?" I looked at him for the first time completely starring at him examining every inch of his face without it feeling awkward.

He flipped through some pages of one of the books, flipping through the pages he said, "Everything."

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