Ultrasound part.1

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"Ror are u ready"
"Ready for the first ultrasound"

Let me recap why happend when Rory told Niall that she is going to have a child till now witch is 2 weeks

They told the band what happend. Lane was so happy. Niall is still performing, just is with Rory all the time. They are a couple, Harry and lane are a couple. Zyan left. Liam found a girlfriend name Lucy. Louis had broken up with his girlfriend. Harry and lane almost did it but Rory and Niall walked in.

That's all now back to this time.
We get in the car and Niall drives us to the doctors office. All I can think about is the first ultrasound. We are still deciding if we are gonna keep the child or not. We arrive there several minutes later. I lie down on a bed, they put some sort of cold gel on my tummy. They say the baby is healthy and that they can see the gender.
"It's a girl" Niall blurts out all happy. (I think he wanted a girl don't u.) we the. go to the mall. Rory runs straight for the baby store. She is over whelmed.
Niall. POV

While she ran off to go get baby stuff I walked to a jewelry store. I bought a cute ring.

"Rory" I say as I get down on one knee
"Will u do the greatness of keeping this family together and please do me the honor of keeping this little baby girl with me.
"Yes" she says with tears running down her face.
Rory POV

I help him upload the bags of food. I stop before the door as I hear slight moaning.
"Lane" I say out under my breath. I walk in all mad to see to fully dressed laughing teens. They show to me that is was a prank with there phones.
"We will laugh about it one day" I say later at supper. We all start laughing.
"Looks..like..day..is...today" I say through laughs. Later that night I get into Nialls bunk and we cuddle. We've been doing that a lot lately. I fall asleep right away. Before I know it I wake up with a really cute sleepy Niall beside me. I do a really light giggle and try to fall back asleep. I do but I have a terrible nightmare. The child turns into a miscarriage. I really don't want that to happen in real life. We decided to keep the baby. We already have a name. Caroline. Because that is were she was created.

I really hoped u enjoyed this book it was a lot of fun making it. I'm kidding I'm not at all done. I'm going to do 100 chapters then do a squeal. Jk I don't know yet.

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