Chapter 4

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"What and you seriously think you can pull that off?" Brax questioned this young woman, who didn't seem capable of what she was suggesting.

"Listen the best way to defend you is not to plead your innocence, but to create reasonable doubt in the witnesses statement and this guy has means and motive...believe me by the time I'm finished he'll think he's the one on trial" Lexi grinned "Listen I may look incapable but ask around, I have an excellent reputation"

"Is that right" Brax seemed genuinely surprised.

"Yeah" Lexi smirked with confidence.


Lexi headed to the beach to meet Phoebe "Hey dude" she called out and Jake turned.

"Oh hi mom" Jake smiled and continued to dig a hole "We're building a fortress"

"Awesome, hey listen I need to head out of town for a few days" Lexi hated asking things "I was wondering if you and kyle would mine taking care of Jake for a while?"

"Yeah sure" Phoebe agreed "You're not in trouble are you?"

"No I'm helping Brax and Ash with something" Lexi sighed and smiled weakly "And don't worry I know what I'm doing"


"Are you sure this is a good.idea so close to your trial" Ricky questioned and Lexi smiled.

"It'll be fine" she said gently as the watched Brax put her laptop bag in the back of the car, Brax decided using his Ute for the trip would be a bad idea "We will be back tomorrow night, with everything we need to get him off these charges"

"Okay" Ricky nodded and moved to Brax "Stay safe" she whispered before kissing him gently.

"I'll be back tomorrow night okay dude" Lexi rubbed James hair "I love you"

"Love you too mum" Jake frowned as Lexi kissed him, then smiled.

"Be a good boy for your Auntie Pheebs and uncle Kyle okay?" Lexi turned to get it he car as Ash sat in the drivers seat.

"I will" Jake smiled and waved "Bye Mum"

"Bye bud" Lexi waved as the car pulled away slowly.


"Wow this place is a dump" Lexi frowned as she threw her bag down onto the bed "It's a good job we don't plan on sleeping tonight"

"Did you see that guys face when Brax asked for a double room...for all three of us" Ash chuckled as he watched Lexi set up her laptop on the coffee table.

"Didn't turn us down though did he?" Brax laughed.

"Poor guy probably couldn't afford to" Lexi smirked as she got up some files "Did you bring my other bag in?"

"Yeah" Brax nodded and pointed to the bag hanging on the back of the door.

"Awesome" Lexi took the bag and dissappeared into he bathroom "Oh crap there's even dead bugs in here" She called out.

"It's the live ones you should worry about princess" Brax laughed.

After 10 minutes Lexi came out of the bathroom wearing a short black dress and make up, he hair was pinned up in a bun "Wow" Ash exhaled deeply "Jeez"

"Close your mouth Ash" Lexi smirked "There's all kinds of bugs flying around in there" she gestured towards the bathroom.

"You ready to go?" Brax looked serious and Lexi nodded "And you remember our plan?"

"Yes" Lexi Frowned "You don't trust me to pull this off do you?" She seemed offended by Brax's lack of confidence in her.

"I hardly know you..." Brax tried to defend himself.

"Well know this Darryl Braxton I am insulted by your lack of faith in me..." Lexi saw red.

"Yes but Phoebe..." Brax started and Lexi cut him down.

"Let's get one thing straight...I am NOT anything like my sister, I don't get to dip into Daddy's pocket whenever I like...everything I have I've had to fight for...and just like you I'm no stranger to getting my hands dirty" she yelled furiously "Now if you don't trust me enough I'll be more than happy to go home"

"Alright I'm sorry, it's just I've got alot riding on this" Brax apologised.

"I know you have...why else do you think I'm here" Lexi half smiled "No come on let's get this done so we can get home"


Lexi walked into the bar, she spotted Sam and headed towards him. Her hair was messier than it was when she left the motel room. She also had dirt on her face arms and dress "Can I help you?'' Sam asked cluelessly.

"Yeah I broke down just down the cell is dead. Could I use your phone?" Lexi asked as she leant against the bar.

"Sure" Sam handed her th ephone and watched as she dialled a number.

"Well I guess that'll have to do then won't it" Lexi snapped "Thanks for nothing"

Lexi slammed the receiver down and watched as Sam's curiosity got the better of him "Everything okay?"

"Not really he said he can't get here until tonight" Lexi sighed "I don't suppose you know of mechanics do you?"

"I could take a look?" Sam suggested "I mean I'm not really qualified but I worked on cars with my dad when I was a kid"

"Well that makes you more qualified than me" Lexi grinned "Come on I'll show you"


"You okay Ricky?" Phoebe wondered, Ricky hadn't said much.

"Yeah I just hope Brax knows what's he's doing? Do you think Lexi will be able to cope with this?" Ricky asked Phoebe.

"Yeah course, Lexi and Dad have never really seen eye to eye and because of that Lexi has always had to take care of herself. She isn't a stranger to the life the Braxton's live...I promise you my sister isn't out of her depth here either"


"Thanks so much for this" Lexi leant over Sam who was fixing the car for her "It's nice to know there a few guys left that are willing to help you"

"It's no problem really" Sam smiled "You haven't said what brings you out here anyway? It's not like it's a popular place to visit"

"Just passing through" Lexi lied "I'm meant to be at my Brothers 30th birthday party"

"So what's your name?" Sam asked and Lexi nodded.

"It's Hannah and you?" Lexi thought impressively fast.

"Sam" he replied "There I think that's about it"

"Brilliant thank you so much, here?" She pulled her purse out of the passenger seat and handed Sam some Money"

"Oh no its fine" Sam declined "I don't want paying"

"But I" Lexi tried and Sam paused.

"If you really want to make it up to me, you can buy me a drink?" Lexi grinned and nodded.

"Yeah okay" She waited as Sam closed the bonnet lid.

"Do you mind if I got and get changed do you?" Sam looked at Lexi.

"Yeah, would you mind if I freshened up? I don't think rocking up to my brothers party like this will earn me many browse pointes"

"Yeah course, I live 2 minutes down the road" Sam looked at Lexi who frowned and the got in the car she started the engine and clapped "Come on then I'll drive you" she chuckled and Sam got in beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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