Never Felt Rejection - 6

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-Marcel's POV-

I wake up with this little grin stretching its way higher on my face. Yes I had a smile all night. You ask why? Because Rosie and I are going on a date today. Well it isn't really a date. I wish it was.

I didn't have time to ask her anyway.

Reasons being:

1) She had just accepted my offer before she had to go.

2) I could face rejection (most likely)

3) I'm too shy.

4) She is sexy. I'm not.

And to be honest the list could go on forever but they can't.

Reasons being:

1) I need to get dressed

2) I fail

3) WTD is going on in my head?

Okay I am officially going insane. But on the bright side. I'm hanging with Rosie today and it will be amazing. I'm going to be a true gentlemen to her!

I don't know where to take her. I don't even know what the time is. Or when to meet her.

"Marcel. Baby freshen up. Breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes." Mum chirps from outside my door all joly.

"Okay mother. Good morning too!" I groan. Ugh I'm so tired. The times only.. 7 in the morning.

I stretch myself out of bed and reach for my phone. First thing before anything. I'm not sure wether to text or call Rosie. It's too early to think right now. I'll call her at 10. Hopefully she will be awake.

I get dressed into my normal clothes. I can see why people bully me. And to be honest I would laugh at someone in clothes like these. But it takes time to change who I am. I don't really think I would suit skinny jeans and fancy shoes. Oh well.

Grabbing my hair jell I place it all in my hair trying to tame my stupid curls. Why do people even say 'Curls get the girls?' Ugh stupid people. I make my hair parting. Holy mother of books I really do look like a posh tw@t. STOP SWEARING MARCEL! Ok fine.

Fixing my glasses. I spray my deodorant. I rush out my room and down the stairs in our small country house. I make my way over to the kitchen nearly slipping head first on the polished marble flooring. Great start. I balance myself again and great my Mum, Robin and sister Gemma at the table.

"So Marcel we're thinking of going abroad sometime.." Robin says whilst munching on his breakfast.

"And I want you to invite Rosie!" Mother squeals. I look over at Gemma with pleading eyes. She just looks at me sorry and shrugs. Oh okay then. Thanks Gemma. I sigh.

"Um, mother I've just met Rosie recently, I don't really believe that's the best thing to do. Sorry to say mum.." I say shaking my head. Oh god this wont go down well with her.

"Yes. Oh come on Marcel. Just ask her. Please? We'll pay for her as well! At least ask. If she says no I'll stop asking. Promise" She says pushing her hand out to shake as a deal.

"Look, I don't want to pressure h-"

"No Marcel. It's a simple "Hey Rosie, I was wondering if you'd like to join my family and I for a week holiday. My mother is really keen to meet you. Would you like to come?" It's that simple." She sighs.

"Um. Oh seriously? Fine!" I give up putting my hands up in defeat.

"Thank you baby! Love you" Mum cheers. I love seeing her happy. It brightens my day up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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