The Lone Wolfs Daughter

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 (Next Genaration Lone Wolf Pov)

Hi, My names Charlie Im 16 years old and I live alone. Its a thing that my dad wanted, he said he was alone untill he found my mom and they had me. I wanted to be like my dad. Just for the record my names Charlie but Im a girl. I have black hair and blue eyes. Anyways I left are growing pack to be alone. I have a cabin in the woods but I mostly live in wolf form. Theres a pack that my dad helped out a long time ago so I sometimes stay there just to feel less...alone. My wolf is snow white with really blue eyes, just like my dad.

 SO now Im sitting and realxing in wolf form on there land, I beleve its the Rain Pack. They named it that because every time they faught it would rain. 

  (Lukes Prov)

 Ok so I think todays the day. The day I see the lone wolf I know its here I can feel it. I shifted into my black wolf with my blue eyes. I quickly yet quietly walked up to this white furry thing on the ground it was like 2 inches smaller than me but still quite big. I walked around examining it. Female. She smelt like freash air and vinilla with a musky woods smell. I looked to see her face. Her snout was black and she looked young. If this wasnt the lone wolf she is the one of this generation. As I was getting up to her eyes I seen her shiver like she was cold. Wow she has no one. I felt really bad. I stepped over her and layed one of my arms over her and my head on her shoulder. She stopped shivering.

 We laid there for about 4 minuts before I heard a sniff. I stood up over her. She was looking at me. Her eyes were the most beautiful blue ever. I was memorized by them. Wow. She narrowed her eyes looking at me and a whine sneaked out of her mouth as she was trying to stand up. I stepped to the side so she could. She turned to face me. She stood up tall as if she was trying to get me to bow to her. I ignored it and stood up taller. Wait, oh crap I think I just threatened her. She looked me up and down. She tilted her head simboling me to come with her, so I did.

 We were walking a good 12 minuts or so till she stopped. I looked and we were at the lake. She went down and took a sip of the water so I followed. When I leaned over to drink she nudged me causing me to fall in the water. She ran in splashing me while going by. We spent time just running around in the shallow water. We resled a couple of times. It began to get dark so we both got out and shook all the water off and layed down in the feild. I had to get back soon so I started walking to my land she followed me back.

 I stopped to look for some pants that we have skattered every where. Once I found some I also found a dress that the girls put out for them. I droped it in front of her and went behind some trees and shifted. When I came out she hadnt shifted. She just sat there looking at me with wide eyes. "See something you like?" I asked smirking. The fact I didnt have a shirt on I guessed thats why she was looking at me. She closed her eyes and shook her head. She got up and started to leave. "Wait!" I yelled to her, she turned and looked at me "At least follow me back so I can get you a blanket." She followed me to my house.

 Once we got there I went inside to find a blanket. When I came out I seen 3 of my pack members sorrownding her. She was scared, I could tell because she was in a weird stance. "Guys back off!" I yelled at them coming down from the porch. They amediently looked at me and ran away. I turned to her "Sorry." I said. She closed her eyes and bowed to me. She must have relized I was alpha. "No need for that, here." I said putting the blanket around her. "Do you want something to eat you can shift and come in?" I offerd. She shook here head 'no'. I nealed down in front of her so we were face to face. I put my hand behind her ear and she put her head on my shoulder and I hugged her goodbye. After that she turned around and took off.

(Charlies Prove)

 I sat in the woods rapped in the blanket from the alpha. I had shifted back into my normal self. I grabbed that dress he had found for me and put that on. Im proped against a tree on the very edge of his land. Wow, what a day. I had so much fun. That guy was really kind but I didnt want to shift. I didnt want him to know what I looked like not yet anyways i was scared he might not like me. Wow he smells so good too, like the woods and chocolate! Well better get some sleep.

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