The Small Shop

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(Lukes Pov)

 Well todays a new day. Hope its at least as fun as meeting the product of the most amazing wolf ever besides her. She was amazing! She smelt so good and every time I touched her it tingled. Today I have to get my mom a present for her birthday thats in two days. I got up took a shower and got dressed. I put on some bluejeans and a plain blue tee.

 I head out to town which wasnt far so I just walked. I was Passing this small shop when I smelt her. I looked around to try and see if she was here but I relized I didnt know what she looked like. My wolf kept on yelling at me to go in this small shop. I walked in. There was a few people in there but only one stuck out. It was a young girl about 15 or 16 by a wall of wolf figures. I walked next to her pretending I was looking a the figures.

 She had on skinny bluejeans and a blue tank top she also had a black beanie laying on her beautiful black hair. "See something you like?" She asked smirking. Wow this is her. I could reconize those blue eyes in a crowd of 100. "Sorry." I said snaping out of it. "I was just wondering if you could help me." She gave me an apoligetic look. "Im Luke." I said putting my hand out "Charlie." She said shaking my hand.

 Thats a cool name. My hand was full of tingles now. "What do you need help with?" She asked. "Oh right, Im trying to figure out which one of these my mom would like for her birthday, but im not sure what to get because Im not a girl and I have no idea what one she would like."I told her. She looked around. "Maybe she would like this one." She said handing me one. It was a black wolf with blue eyes holdind a rose in its mouth. "I think she would love this one, thanks." I said smirking. She grabbed one that looked like my wolf and went to the counter to pay.

 I looked over and seen one that looked like her wolf, I grabbed it and payed. I went outside to see Charlie there waiting for me. "Hey, can we hang out?" She asked. "Sure." I said "Do you want to come to my house or what do you have in mind?" "We could go to my cabin." She said. "Ok." I replied. We were walking in the woods for at least 13 minuts before reaching a small cabin in the woods. Once we put are stuff on the couch in the living room we went and sat on a porch swing and talked.

(Charlie Pov)

 "So how old are you?" Luke asked me. "16, you?" I asked back. "18." He replied. "Do you live here that sounds really creepy doesnt it." He asked. "Yes very creepy but yeah I do, I have since I was 13." I told him. "Wow, what happend to your parents if you dont mind me asking?" He said. "I dont mind they umm...well my dad lived alone untill he found my mom and had me and my dads my hero so, I wanted to do the same. There still around and sometime stop by to say 'hi'." I admitted. He gave me a smile "Cool. Wow, you have like really amazing eyes." He told me, I felt tingily inside and my cheeks blush red. "Thanks."

 We sat and talked about our families for a long time. We both got really hungry so we made some sandwitches. After that we went down to the creek behind the cabin. Luke was searching for rocks. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Finding some rocks to skip." He said. "What?" I asked. Luke stopped smiling and looked at me with a desturbed look on his face. We spent all afternoon untill it got dark teching me how to skip rocks.

 Once it got dark we sat together and watched the sun set over the trees. We sat legs out and Luke had his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder, we were close together. I felt safe, happy and loved. "Hey Charlie?" Luke asked. "Yeah?" I said. "Why didnt you shift around me." He said softly. I pulled away and looked at him. He looked upset for some reason. I think he thought I didnt like him. "Because I was scared that you wouldnt like me." I admitted.

 He grabbed me and pulled me close again and held me. He was warm and his touch sent tingles all through my body. "Your Beautiful, your nice, Im sure your stubborn sometimes but I like that and you have a great sense of humor, you also can trust someone you just met and make friends with anybody without trying, Charlie...your perfect." He said. Wow, I love this guy! He kissed the top of my head. "Luke thank you for that and for coming over." I said. "What I said about you is true and I want you to know that, and thanks for inviting me." He said. Before I could stop myself I was kissing him. He made me feel special and loved. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands around my waist. 

 Before I knew it he pushed me away. "Charlie Im so sorry but I have to get back, my packs probably worried I didnt think to call them." He said. "Its ok." I said. He grabbed his bag and ran away after kissing me good bye and telling me over and over again to come by soon. Gosh I love him. Every time we kissed we would get so lossed in it that we forgot we had to breath. It was amazing.

(Lukes Pov)

 When Charlie kissed me I was lost nothing else mattered but her. My wolf was yelling at me MATE! MATE! MATE! Wow I love Charlie and now it turns out shes my mate, god I love being a wolf! I love her even more, But I had to leave so I snaped out of it and pushed her away. When I got home I was in troble. My dad was lecturing about how an alpha should always inform his pack of his where abouts and Blah, Blah, Blah!

 Me and my mom were on the couch listening to him. Once he was done he sat on in the chair on the other side of the room. "Mom I Know its not your birthday yet but here...I love you!" I said handing her the wolf with the rose in its mouth. "Oh honey, I love it thank you!" She said happily, while hugging me. I stood up to speak. "Guys I was hanging out with a girl today. Yesterday the wolf I brought home was her. Shes the daughter of the lone wolf and is following after her father. She has whiter fur than her dad and the most beautiful amazing blue eyes" I said. "Wow honey thats great you made her a friend!" My mom said with a smile on her face. "Thats not all, I think...I know shes mate." I said all shy like and I could feel my cheeks turn red from being embarresed.

 My moms face lit up like a light bulb and she screamed with excitment and came and hugged me. My dad smiled at me "Congrats son." He said. He got up gave me a pat on the back and went to bed. My mom joined him. I went to bed myself I was so tired from a long, amazing day!

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