• 1 - New Beginnings

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Evan sat up in bed, finally stirring awake. He rubbed his tired eyes and leant over to the bedside table to turn his phone alarm off. Thankfully it hadn't woken Jonathan, which made Evan smile. He pulled the covers off of himself and got out of bed, walking over to their walk-in wardrobe to find some new clothes to wear. He carried his clothes to the bathroom so that he could shower. Today was going to be a big day for his channel, as he could release something new to his subscribers.

Once he had showered and changed he made his way into the kitchen. Evan and Jonathan were now sharing a house together, if it wasn't obvious. They had bought a four bedroom detached, which was located by the sea. Not right by the beach, but they had a decent view of it from the balcony. The area was quiet and they lived on a private street, as not to be bothered.

This high income of money was all thanks to their new jobs on youtube. Evan had been the one to introduce the idea of recording videos to remember all the fun times him and his friend had. They uploaded it to youtube for themselves at first, but other people also began to find it funny. The more people that watched, the more invested they became. Eventually their whole squad was recording videos and uploading, sometimes together and sometimes separate. It was something they all enjoyed, and made great profit from it.

Evan made two cooked breakfasts, eggs, bacon and sausages. He placed the food on two trays along with some coffee then made his way back upstairs. He placed his tray down on the side desk, carrying Jonathan's to his side of the bed. Evan kissed him lightly on the head, waiting for him to stir. "Jonathaaan." Evan whispered, giving him a nudge on the shoulder. He shuffled around in bed before fluttering his eyes open. It took him a second to register what was happening, but when he did a smile spread across his face.

He sat up in bed, soon waking up from the overwhelming smell of delicious breakfast. "Everything you like, even the coffee."
"Man, you should do this more often babe." Jonathan smirked as he took the tray. Before he could put in on his lap Evan pulled it back.
"Ah! What do you say?" Evan teased as Jonathan pushed out his bottom lip.
"Thank youuu, now gimmie!" Jonathan held his arms out and made little grabby hands to try and take the tray back. Evan gave a little laugh before handing it over. They met in the middle and gave a little kiss in appreciation.

Evan then got his tray from the desk and sat next to him in bed. He pulled the covers back over himself before making a start. Jonathan pulled out his phone to check his notifications while Evan turned the tv on to bring up the news. They listened to the weather while eating their breakfast. "Hey, look at this." Jonathan said out of the blue, showing his phone screen to Evan. He looked over to the tweet that was from a fan. They had drawn Evan and Jonathan's game characters stood together.

"Awesome." Evan replied, smiling a little. Fan art always made him feel happy inside, that someone would put so much effort in to drawing them. Jonathan pulled his phone back to himself and giggled. "What?" Evan asked looking over.
"I just find it funny how they drew you as the taller one." Jonathan smirked.
"What?! I am taller than you!" Evan retorted stabbing his eggs.
"Mm no I don't think so... I definitely have you by a few inches."
"At least I have inches where it matters." Evan smirked, making Jonathan choke on his food. "Yeah that's not the only think you choke on." He continued. Jonathan burst in to a fit of laughter, getting up from the bed. He stood and wafted his face with his hand, trying not to choke anymore. Evan stayed in bed looking at him with a smug look.

"Shut up." Jonathan complained, crawling back on to his side of the bed. They sat and watched the news for a little while longer, finishing their food. Evan took their trays and carried them back to the kitchen. As he was washing the dishes he heard a knock at the door. "Can you get it?" Jonathan called from upstairs. Evan rolled his eyes and made his way down the hallway to look through the peephole. He took a glance and saw that it was a delivery man. He unlocked the door hastily and waited for him to speak first.

"Package for you?" He said in a slightly foreign accent. Evan racked his brain to think of if he had ordered anything, although it could have also been for Jonathan. He nodded in reply, making the delivery man bring out his gadget for him to sign. Evan scribbled his signature then accepted the package. "Thank you thank you." The delivery man said hastily before walking away. Evan shut the door with his foot and turned around to get back to the dishes.

"Who was it?" Jonathan called from the top step.
"Package." Evan replied, his hands fully in the sink. Quick footsteps were heard shortly  after as Jonathan hurried to see. He hopped on to the counter moving the package on to his lap excitedly. "I'm guessing it's for you then..?" Evan laughed, Jonathan just instinctively nodding in reply. He tore at the brown container until he could pull out the bubble wrap centre. "You didn't order just bubble wrap again did you?"
"No! It's something my Dad sent me..." He replied delicately pulling the sellotape off.

He unwrapped the gift, showing it to be some kind of doll. Evan gave it a clueless stare, whereas Jonathan gasped and smiled. "Yes!" He added while cuddling it. The figure was white with two legs and a single strand of hair curling off the top of it's head. Once Jonathan looked back up again, he saw the expression on Evan's face. "It's my voodoo! Look!" He held it in both hands with his arms extended, shoving it in Evan's face.

"Didn't know you were the superstitious type..." Evan commented, looking at it closely. Jonathan shrugged in reply and placed it down on the counter side.
"After spending my life with Luke and Delirious anything is plausible." Evan looked up and raised his eyebrows, flattening his expression.
"True. As long as it isn't haunted or whatever." Jonathan shook his head and hopped off the counter, walking past Evan who was still washing he dishes. He smacked his ass before heading back upstairs.
"I'm gonna get dressed, we have a lot to do today!" Jonathan announced, speaking louder as he walked further away.

I was not ready for this update!
Forget having to do books 'one at a time'.

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