• 2 - Meeting up

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"Get off my fucking socks!" Jonathan shouted, laughing in between words as he desperately tried to pull the fabric from Evan.
"No! It's mine now!" He retaliated by spinning in circles.
"Evan there's- we have no time for this!" Jonathan complained falling backwards. Evan fell with him, still not letting go of the black sock. "You're gonna stretch it!"
"Stop being such a sissy!" Evan rolled his eyes and pulled on the sock so he could lie down opposite Jonathan on the floor.
"Stop grabbing my sock! You thief!" Evan eventually let go, making the sock flick back like a catapult in to the other's face. He jolted backwards and made a silly face, frightened from the sudden impact.

"I thought you were supposed to have great reaction times?" Evan commented sarcastically. Jonathan rolled his eyes and put his sock on.
"That medication has long worn off... Are you saying that I'm not good enough?"
"No.." Evan sat up and fell forward on to Jonathan, encasing him in a hug. "You're too good for me." Jonathan let out a little laugh before moving off of Evan to finish dressing.
"Yeah..." Evan stood back up and went over to the walk in wardrobe.
"Soo... red or blue?" He contemplated, looking at his newest pairs.
"Team blue!" Jonathan shouted from the next room.

"Just because you said that, I think I'll take my team." He smirked, picking up the dark red vans. He sat on the bed and he put them on, Jonathan scowling from the other side of the bedroom. "Don't get sulky with me, we have to leave soon. The guys aren't gonna want to see a mardy Jonathan." Evan commented, looking at his shoelaces to tie them properly.
"I'm not sulking, I'm just thinking about what I'm going to do to the red team when I turn out the victor." Evan laughed it off as he made a double knot in his shoes.


"Took you long enough!" Tyler growled from the next room. Evan took his soaked jacket off and hung it on the curtain rack, then proceeding to kick his shoes into the corner. Jonathan followed behind running a hand through his messy wet hair.
"Traffic was pretty bad today." Evan complained in reply.
"Not to mention the shitty weather. Jonathan added as Tyler joined them in the hallway.
"Hey don't get too comfy, as soon as David's fat ass gets here we're leaving." He told them, picking up and moving his stuff from the doorway. "Do you want to borrow a hairdryer or something?" He laughed, which Jonathan immediately replied yes to.

While the two of them ventured off upstairs Evan put his house and car keys on the shelf and made his way to the living room. He took a seat on the curved sofa and put his feet up on the foot rest, listening to the monotone sound of the hairdryer slowly become louder. Evan looked around the room for the TV remote, then seeing the many framed pictures Tyler had decorated the room with. Instead of continuing his search for the remote he stood up, a particular picture catching his eye.

It was one of all the guys sat together, Lui being the one to have taken the photo sat at the front. Behind him was Brian and Marcel pulling faces, then to the other side was Evan and Jonathan hugging. David was half falling over in the back, and then there was Craig and Tyler. Tyler was kissing Craig on the cheek while he giggled. The photo brought a smile to Evan's face, seeing them all young again. Although it soon fell to an awkward frown.

A little while after high school, thing got complicated for Tyler and Craig. Tyler wanted to go to University, whereas Craig was more eager to get started on his youtube career. One argument turned in to several, and eventually Craig broke up with him. Tyler was broken, and almost failed his courses at university from depression. Once he began uploading to YouTube Evan invited him into different multiplayer games so they could both have content to upload, although this meant Craig breaking away from the rest of the guys.

Craig told his subscribers it was because of 'Evan taking his views' that he wasn't going to make videos with them anymore, when in reality it was just too awkward to try and be normal in front of Tyler. Evan sighed after seeing such an old relic of them all being friends, then was broke out of his stare from a throat clearing next to him. Evan placed the photo down quickly and turned to see Tyler stood beside him. Tyler was looking at the photo but didn't say anything.

Jonathan entered the room clueless of the awkward situation and broke the silence. "What are you guys looking at?" He asked trying to glare over their shoulder to the fireplace where the picture sat. Evan was about to open his mouth to speak when-
"Are ye guys in here?!" David shouted at the top of his lungs from the front door.
"Nogla you Irish fuck...!" Tyler had completely snapped out of his cold stare and was laughing at the new person in the house. He walked away from Evan at the fireplace.
"Let's go then!" Jonathan shouted to all of us, leaving the room after Tyler did. Evan was left staring between the Tyler and the old photo.


Bah, sorry if this upsets you.
Just keep reading the story, things are gonna be everywhere, but it's gonna be good!

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