The Mystery of the Cat (contin.)

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I think I have it, the cat is from another planet. We have to have something by now on the old lady. Then a voice quietly whispered, what do you want to know about me. If you ask me I think you need to go to hell and leave me only. Did you people just see and hear that, the old lady was standing right here she told me to go to hell. All the people said, "No we didn't see nothing."

Well later that night I was standing outside my house and I saw someone messing with the old lady. I saw what he looked liked, so I went back into the house and went to bed. The next morning on the news I saw that man again, I went down to the police station and asked what had happened but the case was ongoing. Well I came cause I thought you would want to know that old lady was the last person to see him alive.

I went to the old lady's house and I asked her, "Did you hear the man that was here last night was killed." She didn't know nothing about it but, I knew deep down that woman had something to do with it. That night I was trying to go to bed but, something kept pulling the cover off of me. I looked around and went to go see if the doors were locked and they were, so I went back to my room.

I got up and was about to go out the front door and noticed it was unlocked and opened. I looked around and then left to go to town but, when I got to town it was like a ghost town. the only person I saw was the old lady, I asked her where did everybody go and she told me that she killed all of them.

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