I'm Okay, Trust Me

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Yeah I'm gonna do it, just an intro to your character though....more is to come at about 2 am XD

I was walking home from the bus stop, I had my earphones in walking down the street playing Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day, what a coincidence huh? I sang along with the song as I dragged my feet across the asphalt road that lead to my house, the last house on the left.

As the song ended I heard the next song begin to play, Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. I sighed heavily as I pulled out my headphones, time to enter the hell I call a house....

Trigger warning...#semiabusiveparents #language #gottatagthemtriggersguys

I slowly opened the front door and saw nobody awaiting me, I was here alone,
or so I thought

"(Y/nnnnnn), I need yoooooou" I heard my mother slur from her room, how did she know it was me first off, second, I'm not going anywhere near her when she's drunk, sure she may be nice for once but I don't want to hold her hair back or anything, I don't feel like dealing with her in general.... "(Y/n) pleeaaaaaaase I missed yoooooouuuuu" she sounded like she might cry....I don't like this, I know something is going to happen....I quietly snuck out the back, and went to her window to look inside, sure enough, she was smiling crookedly as my dad was standing behind her with his belt in hand. I went back and climbed the fence to leave and go to my friends house when someone grabbed my leg. "Going so soon dear? At least stay for dinner!" My dad yelled as he pulled me off the fence, I landed on the dirt with a loud thud and my dad drug me inside. Before I knew it I was being hit repeatedly for no reason at all, I was thrown into the wall as they left to god knows where howling with laughter. O sat there a while before standing up and walking to Kyonna's house.

(I told you my OC was in this 0u0)

I knocked on the door and her mom opened it, they already knew what the deal was, but I never told them how bad it's gotten since last time they questioned me almost a year ago now...she let me in with a kind, sympathetic smile "Kyonna's in her room dear" she pointed down the hall. I nodded and walked to her room and busted in her door, she jumped, startled and almost fell off her bed. "Hahaha I got yoooou" I teased. "Indeed you did, and I WILL get you back" she smirked but it soon faded away when she saw a bruise on my arm. She always notices the little things. "Sit. Spill. You know the drill." she chanted like it was going to summon satan or something. I sat and told her what happened, she gently hugged,me afterwards and that sneaky little shit took my phone from my pocket and looked at it. 13 unread messages and 8 missed calls from my 'parents'

"Are you staying here tonight? I dont want you going home, they're there and you're in true hell when/if you come home they said" she showed me after reading them herself. I sighed and looked down at my red worn high tops. "I'm not going back tonight. Or tomorrow morning for that fact and maybe they'll forget what happened. They always forget I'm there,when they......ew" I shivered, I've heard enough of that to last a lifetime, thank god we had no neighbors to hear that.

She looked at me and smiled "So, are we gonna stay up until 3 a.m. and read fanfiction or what?" I smiled at her and she laughed, she was always tired the next day at school because of this last year.

"Not today satan" I told her amd she laughed "THAT'S NOT TRUE MARY IS SATAN AND YOU KNOW IT" she practically yelled, her mom came in to tell us dinner was ready and then we'll watch a movie afterwards.

~Time skip brought to you by Windex, it gets your windows shining like diamonds. Levi highly recommends it.~

After dinner and the movie I took a shower and wentz (-u-) to Kyonna's room to find her watching YouTube. She was laighing at Dan and Phil playing Undertale -more like PUNdertale I'm sorry,back to the story- part #3. I don't exactly know what Undertale is other than it's a video game. She turned to me after she finished the video and smiled. "So, what now sweet cheeks?" I laughed "You're almost as bad as Dean Winchester from Supernatural!" She winked, "You could be the Cas to my Dean if you want" I playfully punched her in the shoulder, "EW you twat, that's not okay!" I laughed with her and she said "Yes it is! You know you love me!" she hugged me and patted my head, this girl will be the death of me.

That's where I'm leaving it this chapter, maybe I'll do an xOC thing? But the next chapter will be in Kyonna's P.O.V. so....idk

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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