Chapter 2

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[a/n Okay so I know I never update this frequently on any story, but I haven't felt this good about a fic since I started Identity Disorder, so I'm going to update all the time and you guys can just deal with it I guess... the first few chapters are really just cutesy building up their relationship fluff anyway!]

Song of the Chapter: "You Belong With Me" covered by For All Those Sleeping

Vic's POV

This wasn't just some half-assed casual flirting I was fishing for. I'd more than proved to myself and everyone else that I could get laid any time the mood struck me, from whoever I wanted. That wasn't what I was trying to get from Kellin. I wanted a real relationship with Kellin Quinn.

I'd been crushing on Kellin for months now, and he had yet to take real notice of me. It was the strangest thing, almost surreal; everyone took notice of me, my name was constantly swimming mainstream in the tributary of gossip at Clairemont High. Yet somehow, Kellin disregarded me. It was like my crowd was flowing into a huge ocean, but Kellin was drifting by himself in a little pond in the middle of nowhere. The one person I actually wanted to be infatuated with me, wasn't.

But today, I would change that.

"Hey, Kells," I greeted him, sliding into the desk next to him for the second morning in a row. I'd heard one of his friends call him that a while back, and I really liked it. Kellin nodded his head ever so slightly in acknowledgement, not speaking to me. I'd expected that.

"I have something for you," I stated, placing a small envelope on his desk. Kellin looked directly at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat when he opened his mouth to speak. Finally.

"Why are you talking to me?" Kellin asked softly, just like his parting words from yesterday.

"Because I'm curious about you. I want to get to know you. I really like you, Kellin," I explained bluntly, a blush coloring my cheeks. Kellin frowned.

"Look, Vic, I know what you're about. If you think I'm just going to climb into bed with you like everyone else does, you can go fu-" I cut off Kellin's quiet rampage against me.

"That's not what this is at all, I swear. Open the envelope," I encouraged. Kellin looked at me suspiciously, but slid a finger under the flap. As I'd hoped, his already creamy complexion blanched to a pure milky white.

"Oh my god," he breathed.

"I was hoping you'd go with me," I said boldly. Kellin's mouth was still agape in total shock.

"But... the Of Mice & Men website said they sold out the last stadium seats like two weeks ago! How the hell did you get these?" Kellin exclaimed, completely out of character. Other students in the class actually turned around and stared at him, amazed that he actually was capable of speaking. It was a beautiful voice, clear and sweet and a little girlish.

"I got floor tickets," I supplied calmly, trying to contain my joy at the fact that he was responding to me so easily.

"Floor tickets?! How?" Kellin asked, a gorgeously contagious if still incredulous smile spreading across his face.

"I pulled some strings, found two re-sales up for grabs. It wasn't even that expensive. Will you go with me, then?" I questioned eagerly.

"Hell yeah, I'll- wait, wait. This isn't just a drawn out ploy to get me to sleep with you?" Kellin confirmed. I shrugged, smiling teasingly as his defenses melted.

"No, but maybe if the date goes really well..." I joked. Kellin laughed. I got a laugh!

"Don't get ahead of yourself. So this is a date, then?" he commented, as though just registering what I had said. I blushed darker red, my typical cool-guy façade melting in Kellin's presence.

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