Chapter 1: Hello Rio!

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Looking at Mr. Irwin, i had the urge to tell him about he speech i wanted to speak out to the grads. Having to get close to them.

"Um i wanted to say a speech .." I had asked in a shaky voice, trembling i had the nervous look on my face. Mr. Irwin had looked at me with a furrow brows. Waiting for a response, he rolled his eyes "Sure." he whispered. I smiled, and had placed my hands onto the microphone. Feeling excited, until i reached the lack of confidence facing the crowd.

having to trice deep breathes, swallowing this huge ball in my throat. Trying not to have a anxiety attack get the best of me this time.

searching for Natalie, seeing her giving me a thumbs up. I smiled to myself, and have gotten close to the microphone. "Um, hi" i had spoke, the crowd had growed silent. Having a deep breathes again, i had tapped my fingertips onto the microphone.

"Um, so i have this speech. Just having an amazing time with you guys through high school, but having a class of 300 is just not much!" I laughed. The crowd had laughed with me. "Um, but now here we have to go our separate ways. John Alien going to a university and studying to be a expert engineer on planes!" I pleasingly said, seeing John flattered as everyone applauded. "and Nancy, Jodie, Kelly Jones who are studying to be a nurses also sticking for each other til the end." I said waving towards the girls who have been best friends since elementary for having the same last name. As same of them, everybody had applauded. "But before we go on summer break!" I yelled, and every grad stood up on there feet and cheered. "Now this is our goodbye and wish all of you luck!" I yelled once again, having the crowd cheer on, smiling to myself, getting off stage, going down on the first top step my gown had gotten caught on the corner of the stage. On my second step I had noticed it, and BAM! right on my face meeting the ground. But, glad that everybody still cheered on for me.

Louis' (P.O.V)

"So, you ready for South America Louis?" I snapped my head towards Niall. "huh?" I answered back. "Eh, never mind man" he said shrugging his shoulders. I looked away from his sight and just tapped the handle of my case. I heard him ask but, had that moment where pretended I didn't hear him. I was ready for South America but, especially our first stop to Rio in Brazil. We had sit by the London Airport until our flight was ready for seating. Looking towards the boys on my left side, seeing Liam with his headphones on. Zayn dosing off to sleep. Harry looking around and Niall eating his doughnut that was made fresh from Dunkings. Rolling my eyes, I had saw an attendant coming out the door of our flight. I quickly stood up, and shapped my fingers twice to alert the boys to 'come on' I said gripping onto my luggage. I ran as quickly towards the attendant. Handing her my ticket and passport. Hello Rio!

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