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Third Person P.O.V:

"So, where are your soldiers captain?" The man in full black armor asked. The captain kneeling at his feat was trembling.

"I don't know King of Shadows." He said nervously. The King of Shadows frowned and and snapped his fingers. His follower exploded, blood going every where. The King of Shadows smiled.

"Soon, soon I shall be the one and only god in this world. Look out 'Four Greats' you all shall soon die. He looked at a mirror and saw four people falling in an endless black hole.

"Some gods are trying to delay the ruling of darkness over the light by sending their best heroes to other worlds. But im not letting them come here. And if they do I'm going to kill them." He said laughing. "The time for the balance to be broken is now, good luck trying to find a way around it Ianite." 

Next book coming soon, I will put a link to it in this book soon as a new chapter. Be on the look out! Also, please make sure to share the story to all the Mianite fans you know! And remember to vote!- Ghostwarrier.

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