Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

She wept bitterly for her dear friend, who was gone in the blink of an eye. She could still hear the shrill of her scream echoing in her head like as if she had seen it happen with her eyes. She let out a strangled scream for she couldn't hold he pain in her chest. Her tears fell continuously. She could hear her friends sobbing with her, for Selena was always the treasured one among. They protected her fiercely and today they all had let her down. They should've been there with her to console her, but she was alone and now she is gone.

Amy broke down at the thought of never seeing her friend again, never hearing her laugh again, never hearing her sarcasm again. She couldn't just grasp the fact of not seeing her again. She was going to avenge her death, it doesn't matter to her who she is about to face. With that thought she wiped her tears, she stood up with determination. She sniffed the air for any unfamiliar scent for first she was going to hunt down the person who hit her, causing her friend to fall for her own demise and that is when she heard it. It was faint, barely there but still there. They could still do something.

'There is a faint heartbeat, she is still alive!' She yelled out. Everybody stilled and stiffened and that was when chaos broke out. They prepared their buffest and strongest man in their pack to go down the cliff to get her. Amy clenched her hands together praying to God to keep her friend safe and alive.

The silence stayed suspended and everybody waited with baited breaths silently praying for the welfare of Selena. Amy and her friends stayed huddled together holding on to each other for support.

'She had to make it, if she was still breathing she had to make it out of this. Please oh God help her make out of this.' She thought. After a few minutes which felt like hours on her part she could see Emmett's head emerging from the cliff. He was slowly coming up and she could smell the strong stench of blood mixed with his scent. They ran towards him.

He was coming up with ease, being a werewolf made it easy for him to climb walls and mountains no matter how rocky, bumpy and edgy they were. And this one was for a much better cause. The little girl deserved to live, he would make sure she did live. The first thing he would do after safely deporting her to the hospital is to search for the person responsible for this. He climbed up ahead and dropped her carefully on the edge of the cliff were Damon was standing, he picked her up as soon as he put her down. He nodded his head at him. That was enough for Damon to shift and put his plan to action.

"Where are you taking her?" Amy asked as she saw one of the Enforcers taking her away on his back.

"We are taking her to the hospital. It would take a while in the car or ambulance seeing as how we are a bit away from the civilization. So it's better we rely on our strength and speed." Emmett told them.

Amy nodded her head at him and took off after the Enforcer who had Selena. She could hear the thud of paws behind her letting her know she was being followed by her friends.


Amy and her friends paced the courtyard of the hospital. They had reached the hospital in record time but Selena was in the operation theater since the last forty-five minutes. She grew restless at the fact that she didn't know how her friend was doing at the moment. She swore as soon as she heard Lena was alright she would join the Enforcers in the hunt and catch that guy and skin him alive. Her blood boiled at the memory of her bloodied and bruised friend. Her face was marred with blood and her body was covered with cuts and gashes.


Kate looked at her friend Amy pacing the hall, something she did when she was stressed. She felt helpless, she wasn't there when her friend needed her the most. Instead she had to hold on to herself and that had now landed her in the hospital fighting for life. She broke out in fresh sets of tears. She knew each one of them held themselves responsible for the condition of their friend. She prayed silently for the well-being of her friend. She was still holding on to the thin sliver of hope that just maybe, maybe her friend might beat the odds and make out of this alive. She got up, she needed to pull herself together and be strong for her friend. She was about to held towards the water dispenser when she caught sight of two very familiar people heading towards them without any care. She let out a low growl, the nerve of this guy to come here when one or the other all this had happened because of him and not only that he walked towards them without any guilt or remorse. She heard five other growls echoing the otherwise silent courtyard, alerting her that they had indeed seen what she was seeing at the moment.

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