Smart ass

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I am a sarcastic smart ass that gets in trouble because of it and it is the funniest thing to say some smart ass comment and then see my mom over react cause of a stupid comment and honestly if I had a lot of confidence then I would say what was on my mind but I'm getting there get me mad enough and I'll yell and scream at you I said bitch in front of a teacher before I'm not really afraid cause I have good reasoning for some of the things I say and honestly I don't know how I still have friends I think its because I could beat the crap out of someone if I really tried but then again I do have a non 'bitch' side that will reason with you cause I'm not that shoot first ask questions later type of girl so yeah

Anyway hope you got a kick out of this chapter I just felt like this was the type of chapter that I should writ idk but yeah I'm feeling better so yeah

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