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hope's pov

why I'm I so dum he dosent like you and he has a boyfriend I cant like him why just why I mean I guess I just wanted to be loved but now I know I cant I cant it not right I'm curled up in to a ball on my bed crying and I'm crying loud to I bet robin hate's me and wally to maybe even Heidi and Haylee too why did I have to be so dum to do that I look over at the window to see the moon it was full I fall asleep dream about all my family hating me for this I wake up trying to get air in my lung's I pull my leg's up to my face and cry even more I hear the girl's meaning Haylee and Heidi knoking on the door

"hope sweetie let us in" Heidi said knoking more

"hey hope what going on you can tell us" Haylee said I just keep crying

"look you are the only family we have left and we only have etch other" Heidi said I hear a knok but not form the door I look over at the window to see robin well I f**ked up his life why? dose he want to talk to me I asked myself then walk over to the window and open it he hope's in I stop crying so I don't look dum

"why are you here?" I ask robin turning away form robin I feel a hand on my back I turn around it's robin's why dose he even care

"I'm here wally  told me what happened" robin said

"he told you that I kissed him and now you hate me right?" I asked looking at robin

"no I didn't I may be his boyfriend but I have learned to share him did you have any idea how head that was I love wally a lot and I want him to be happy no matter what" robin said he smiled at me I smiled back

"thank you" I said "it wont happen again" I said then hugged robin

"yeah any time, but there is one who want's to see you" robin said

"okay" I said

"hop on my back" robin said

"okay" I said then hoped on his back he jumped out the window and on to a building I did a front filp off him when we land I turn my head to see wally in the kid flash suit he walk's up to me

"hi" wally said smiling at me but why?

"i well left you too" robin said then jumped off the building

"why?" I asked wally "why did you want to see me?" I asked wally looked at me

"I'm sorry" wally said

"what?" I said

"I'm sorry for giving you the wrong idea" wally said

"its-" I get cut off by wally

"no it's not okay to come in to some one's life and brake there heart and you cant tell me it is" wally said looking down then back up at me

"wally I......" I said

"no I sorry for you never having a kiss and never being loved and never having some one there for you... but if you let me I'm welling to be a friend and I well never let you get hurt by.. me or anyone else form now on" wally said ran up to wally and hug him he hug's back

"thank you, thank you so much" I said as I let out many tear's 

"any time little sis" wally said I could live being his little sis me and wally talk a bet then he go's home I go home to and I let in Heidi and Haylee

"what was going on?" Heidi asks as she put her hand on my face I set down so do Haylee and Heidi

"nothing ever thing is great I had my head phone on that's all" I said lie a lot

"okay well food is done" Haylee says we all hug and go eat soup we all talk and then I had up to my room I fall on my bed and curly up in to a ball was happy some thing I was not for a long time I mean really happy too

kid flash x robin book 1 (everything)Where stories live. Discover now