Name: Bree
Age: 20
Sexulaity: Bi
Personality: She is lazy and clumsy. Bree trips over her own two feet, flat surfaces, and the air. The poor girl is as awkward as it gets when it comes to moving. So, she does her best to try and not move. Bree would much just rather just sit and watch a movie..or eat than go out play sports or jog. She hates sports even watching or talking about sports. She does like to ask questions, though, and will pester someone until she knows anything they can tell her. Though she's not stupid, people often think that she is. She tries not to be put down, so whenever someone insults her--she tries to reform it, so it's more of a compliment or constructive critism
Appearance: The reason that Bree doesn't like sports is because she's 6'2. She had always been tall and people always told her she should play basketball--or,any sport really. So, she tried and sucked as much as a person can suck. She ending up breaking bones whenever she tried to get into a sport. Bree is mostly long legs and she's always slightly tanned. Her hair is long, light brown, and wavy. It falls to about the mid of her back. Her eyes are also a light brown and rather large--doe eyes.