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Name: Logan

Age: 20

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Logan is a worry-wart.  He always has something on his mind, something to take care of, and something that needs to be done that /only/ he can do.  He has trust issues and really won't let anyone help him with tasks that he deems important--which is everything--not even people who he considers friends.  Logan has panic attacks when he gets overwhelmed which doesn't happen as often as one might think.  He's also afriad of failing and letting people down, so he always gets everything done no matter what kind of stress it puts on him

Appearance:  Logan....is short, 5'2 (I also know a lot of guy characters on here a super short, but in real life a lot of girls don't go for short guys--they get neglected) He had brown hair, but he dyed it to a red.  Becuase he worries so much, Logan actually has quite a few silver hairs from stress. His hair is not too long, but not short either.  He has never had long hair, nor really short hair, so he's afraid to change it.  His eyes are a light green/brown.

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