The Siren, The Nightingale, and Adagio Sonata!

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The Siren is one of the top idols in the whole world. She is tied with the Nightingale. No one knows her real name or her background, she is a complete mystery. She has straight black hair with red streaks, usually tied in pigtails or let down, and red eyes. Her songs are usually pop rock, punk, or dubstep. She is very outgoing, rambunctious, mischievous, blunt, sarcastic, sporty, and sneaky. She use the electric guitar, electric keyboard, and the electric violin. She always has late shows and is a night owl. And she also has a black cat, named Yang, with a white spot around her left eye.

The Nightingale is the other top Idol in the world, tied with the Siren. Like the Siren no one knows who she really is or anything about her background, making her a mystery as well. She is the exact opposite of the Siren thought. She has black wavy hair with midnight blue streaks, usually in a bun or let down, and midnight blue eyes. Her songs are usually pop, classical, or soul. Unlike the Siren she is calm, polite, elegant, patient, respectful, creative, and very kind. She uses the grand piano, the flute, and the violin. She always has early shows and is a early bird. And she also has a white cat, named Ying, with a black spot around her right eye.

These two idols are like the two sides of a coin. They actually happen to be one girl. That girl is Adagio Sonata, the hire to a multi-billion dollar company, the girl with the photographic brain that even NASA admires, and to her class the shy girl that's perfect for bullying. It all started when she was three. She was always left alone in her family's big mansion with only the servants. She would see her big brother sometimes but he was mostly busy being an idol and studying to be a doctor. So Adagio found comfort in her parents library. She would go there everyday and teach herself how to read. When she was five she could easily read any book and she would memorize everything she read. She then started to go to preschool. The other kids would teased her and called her names like freak or werido, because she was as smart and mature as a high school student. Also Adagio never had much time to learn how to socialize with kids here own age and took every word they said as the truth. When she had finally gotten up the courage to tell her parents about the teasing and ask if the kids were right, her parents and brother got in a car accident. So the now orphan six year old Adagio didn't know what to do. At the funeral she couldn't cry because she didn't know much about emotions. All her relatives were trying to steal the company from her, so Adagio took it upon herself to protect her parents company and be an idol just like her brother was. So she started to live with her grandfather, the only relative that actually cares for her and not the money, and she started to run her parents company and do idol work on her spare time. She still went to school and the bullying got worse and worse. She didn't want to bother anyone else with her problems so she tried to endure it by herself. But when she was ten the bullying, company, and idol work became to much and the Siren and the Nightingale developed to protect her. They were her other personalities. They would handle the idol work while she handled the company, and secretly the bullying. She never let her personalities help when she was bullied or listen to the worst parts of her bullying. They only knew that the other kids called her lots of really mean names, destroyed her school belongings, blamed stuff on her, and ordered her around. What they didn't know is that the girls in her class also beat her up every once in a while. Finally the Siren and The Nightingale couldn't handle seeing Adagio take it on all by herself and convinced her to join Muranishi Co. So she would be transferred to the school for idols, where they hoped she wouldn't get bullied. That brings us to Adagio, Siren, and Nightingale now at Muranishi Co.

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