New School and New Friends!

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The Siren sat on a couch across from the director of Muranishi Co, SHIPS, Kirari, and Kumoi-san. She sat with her arms rested against the back of the couch, her legs crossed over one another rested on the table in front, and a smirk plastered on her face. "Yo, I'm the Siren," she said, "nice ta see ya again Hiro, Sei, Director. And nice ta meet ya Kirari and Kumoi." "Nice to see you again too," Seiji said with a smile. "How's it going Sir?" Hitoto asked. "N-nice to meet you!" Kirari greeted. "Actually it's not going good," The Siren said seriously. "First you need to know that The Nightingale and I are the same person," she said before closing her eyes and sitting normally. The Siren's hair suddenly became wavy and the red tips became midnight blue. The girls eyes opened to reveal midnight blue orbs instead of Crimson. "It's a pleasure to see you again Hiro-kun, Sei-kun, Director-san," The Nightingale said with a bow of her head, "and it's a pleasure to make your aquatints Tsukishima-san, Kumoi-san." "Nigh!? What the!?" Hiroto yelled. "Yes me and Sir are one in the same person," She started to explain, "actually we are just copies of the original. In fact Sir and My true identity is Adagio Sonata." "So that's why you always looked like Sir-chan," Seiji said, "I always thought you were just cousin or something." "No we are only copies that are here to help the original," the Nightingale replied, "we want to join Muranishi Co. So Adagio can be transferred to your idol school." "May I ask why?" The director asked. "You see Adagio has suffered from bullying since she was five," The Nightingale started, "her family died when she was six and she doesn't like to dump her problems on anyone, so she has tried to deal with this on her own. Sir and I came into existence when she was first physical bullied. We were born to help and protect her. Yet all she lets us do is help her become an idol. Sir and I can't stand her getting hurt anymore, so we beg of you please let us join your agency and go to your idol school!" By now she was on her hands and knees bowing, tears streaming down her face. "Nigh." Hiroto said sadly. "Of course you can join our agency!" The director said, "just please get up off the floor Nigh-chan!" She got up and sat back down. "Thank you so very much," she said with a smile. "If you don't mind could we talk to Adagio-chan please?" Seiji asked. "Sure," Nightingale said, "just be gentle she is very fragile." And with that she closed her eyes. Her hair became straight again and the streaks faded away. The girls eyes opened again, now revealing purple orbs. "It's n-nice to m-meet you, I'm A-Adagio      S-S-Sonata," Adagio said timidly her hands clamped together in front of her chest, legs pulled close. "It's nice to meet you to Adagio-chan," Seiji said, "your so cute!" "T-thank you!" Adagio squeaked. "Hey Adagio, how come you let your classmates pick on you?" Hiroto asked bluntly, "you should stick up for yourself." "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Adagio started saying over and over again, tears threatening to spill. Hiroto immediately felt bad. "No I'm sorry Adagio," Hiroto said softly as we walked over to her, "I shouldn't have said that." Hiroto then softly put his hand on her shoulder. Adagio flinched from his touch and stared up at him fearfully. "P-please don't h-hurt me I'm so s-sorry," Adagio whimpered as she curled up into a ball. Hiroto back away from her full of guilt. Suddenly her hair got its red streaks back and her eyes turned Crimson. The Siren stood up angrily and yelled at Hiroto, "why did you do that!? Now she won't come back out!?" "I'm really sorry! I thought I should try and build her confidence up, but it had the opposite effect," Hiroto said guiltily. "Sir-chan please forgive Hiro-kun," Seiji said, "he really was only trying to help." "Please try to bring Adagio-chan back out," Kirari blurted out, "I really want to be her friend!" "Kirari," Hiroto said, "yes I also want to be her friend." "Me too!" Seiji said. "Okay I'll try," Siren said with a smile. She closed her eyes and tried to call Adagio out. "Adagio-chan, please come out," Kirari said, "we all really want to be your friend." "Please," Seiji and Hiroto both said. Slowly the red streaks faded and her eyes opened once again to revile purple. "Adagio I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did. Will you forgive me?" Hiroto asked. "Mmhmm," Adagio replied. "Yeah a new friend!" Kirari yelled before engulfing Adagio in a hug. Adagio let out a gasp and tensed. Kirari released her when she felt her trembling. "Are you okay Adagio-chan?" Kirari asked her. "I'm o-okay, I'm just s-so happy that y-you all want t-to be my
f-friends," Adagio said as she cried tears of happiness, "T-thank you!" She then hugged Kirari. "Let's be the best of friends from here on Adagio-chan," Kirari said returning the hug, "now come say hello to Hiroto-kun and Seiji-kun." Kirari led Adagio over to said boys. "Nice to meet you Adagio-chan," Seiji said holding out his hand. "Nice to m-meet you t-too," Adagio said timidly shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you Adagio," Hiroto said also offering his hand out. "You as w-well," Adagio stuttered before shaking his hand too. "Adagio-chan, you will be transferring tomorrow morning. Just give these papers to the principal and your home room teacher," the director told her, "wait Adagio-chan, do you even know where the idol school is?" "No I
d-don't," she told him. "We can pick you up early from your school after you hand in the transfer forms," Kirari said, "right Seiji-kun, Hiroto-kun." "Us too?" Hiroto asked. "Of course." Seiji told him. "T-thank you, but you r-really don't need t-to trouble yourselves," Adagio told them. "It's no trouble at all," Kirari reassured her, "that's what friends are for." Adagio's checks tinted pink and she smiled softly. "Well I b-better go," she said, "see you guys tomorrow." Adagio waved goodbye as she ran to the door and left. "Adagio-chan is a nice girl, but she seems to be frightened by the littlest things," Kirari said. "dose she not like us?" Kirari questioned with tears in her eyes. "No, Kirari-chan, I think it's the opposite," Seiji said, "she didn't stutter even once when she said goodbye, I think she is starting to trust us." "But still for someone to stutter and flinch from the lightest physical contact, they must have been bullied really badly," the director told them.

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