Saved by her first friends

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Adagio walked out off the principals office. She had given him the transfer forms, which he signed reluctantly, and was headed to the front entrance to meet up with her new friends. As she walked past the girls bathroom, someone grabbed her hair and yanked her inside. With a startled yelp, Adagio was tossed on the floor. She groaned and got on her hands and knees as she heard the bathroom lock click. She looked up to see the girls that had tormented her all these years. Their were 5 of them. The blond was Emi, the light brown haired girl Mika, the dark brown haired girl Ran, the first black hired girl Miya, and the other black haired girl Kimiko. "Well, well guess what we heard this morning," Emi, the leader cackled, "that our little toy was running away." Adagio just looked down at the floor terrified, her body trembling. "It's so sad to part," Kimiko said in fake sadness. "So we thought we'd give you a going away present 'Nobody'," Mika said maliciously. At the mention of their nickname for her, tears already started flowing. "Aww look," Ran cackled, "the 'Nobody's' crying already." "Soon we'll make all your tears run out," Miya whispered in her ear. Then the girls attacked. They all repeatedly kicked and stomped on her. All Adagio could do was curl up into a little ball, keep her over personalities from hearing, and wish for it to be over soon. Then one of the girls stomped on her left ankle so hard that Adagio heard a small crack. She lost hold of the wall blocking of her other personalities from seeing and hearing what was happening, and started to scream in pain. Emi quickly clamped her hand over Adagio mouth. "Shut up!" Emi hissed at her. Adagio whimpered and tried to break free. Kimiko poked her most likely fractured ankle. Adagio's screams of pain were again muffled by Emi's hand. "Looks like we fractured her ankle," Ran laughed. "Aww but I hate leaving things unfinished," Mika giggled insanely. Mika then jumped right on Adagio's ankle. There was a sickening crack and Adagio's muffled screams again as her ankle was completely broken and pointed at an odd angle. "There I think that's good," Emi said and took her hand away from Adagio's mouth. Adagio whimpered in pain and bawled her eyes out as her tormentors unlocked the bathroom and filed out. "Come visit us sometime," Emi said as she started to close the door, "maybe we can do this again." And with that the girls walked back to their class howling in laughter. Adagio laid on the floor for awhile when suddenly, her phone rang. She crawled over to her bag, that had flew out of her hand when Emi had pulled her into the bathroom, and pulled out her cellphone to see Kirari's number on the screen. She quickly answered it and croaked out, "h-hello?" "Ah, Adagio-chan," kirari started, "we're here at your front gates." "O-okay," Adagio squeaked as she looked over her body. As her eyes meet the sight of her oddly bent ankle, her stomach turned and she crawled painfully over to the nearest toilet. She then throw up her breakfast into the bowl. "Adagio-chan are you okay?!" Kirari asked worriedly as she heard her friend vomiting. "It hurts," Adagio whimpered in pain, dropping her phone on the floor. She could hear Kirari's frantic yells come from her phone, before she blacked out and switched places with Siren. The Siren gasped in shock at the sudden change of control of Adagio's body. "Oh fuck that hurts!" The Siren screamed in pain." "Adagio-chan!? Adagio-chan!?" Kirari's voice sounded from the phone. Siren picked up the phone and said, "I need a little help." "What's wrong Adagio-chan?!" Kirari's asked worried. "The bullies we told you about, they decided they wanted to give Adagio a goodbye present," Siren said, "they broke her ankle. Adagio past out from the pain and I took her place." "Oh no!? What do we do!?" Kirari freaked out. Hiroto took the phone from her. "Sir is that you?" Horoto asked. "Yep," Siren groaned. "Where are you?!" Hiroto asked. "The girls bathroom on the third floor opposite room 3-A," Siren told him. "We'll be there soon," Horoto said, "just hold on." "Okay," Siren said and hung up. Horoto turned to Kirari and handed her back her phone. "Call an ambulance," Hiroto told her seriously, "we'll be back with Adagio soon." And with that Hiroto and Seiji ran into the school. They soon arrived at the bathroom Adagio was in and they burst through the the door. "Sir where are you?!" Hiroto yelled. "Over here," Siren groaned from in the last stall. The boys ran to the last stall and opened the door. She was sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall of the stall, breathing heavily with sweat dripping down her face. "Sir," Hiroto said, cringing as he saw her ankle. "Hiro you need to pick her up," Seiji told him. "Right," Hiroto agreed and bent down, "I'm gonna pick you up now Sir." "Wait," Siren yelped, "let me switch places with Nigh. I don't think I can handle the pain for much longer. It would be best if me and Nigh switch places ever so often." The Siren closed her crimson orbs and then opened them to reveal midnight blue orbs. "Ahhh," Nigh cried, "that really does hurt. Okay I'm ready. Pick me up." Hiroto picked her up and Nightingale had to bite her tongue so she wouldn't scream out in pain. Hiroto carried her out of the bathroom as the sirens of an ambulance grew closer. "What's happening!?" "Is that an ambulance?" The voices of curious and worried students filled the halls as kids got out of there classrooms to see what the commotion was. "Look," Ran squealed as her and the other bullies came out of Adagio's old classroom, "it's Ships!!!" "And is that the Nightingale!?" Kimiko squealed. Hiroto went up to the girls and gave them a cold glare. "You've got a lot of nerve hurting Adagio!" Hiroto yelled. "What does that loser have to do with anything," Emi snorted, "is the Nightingale alright." Emi and the other four really looked concerned. "Don't talk about Adagio like that," Hiroto yelled, "she is a better person than any of you will ever be." And with that, he left the heart broken bullies and carried Nightingale down to the medics. They loaded her into the ambulance and drove off. "So much for a good fresh new start," Nightingale sighed before passing out from the pain like the other two already had.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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