Getting his number

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*I run over to Mary and hug her*
Mary:Hi, I want you to meet someone. Shaelyn this is Julian. Julian this is Shaelyn.
*in Shaelyn's head*
Oml yes! He does come to this school
Julian:*blushes* H-Hi
Shaelyn:*laughs* Hi.
Mary:C'mon we have to get to class.
*we start walking* Julian and I walk to our lockers.
I grab my binder, Pencil cases, my phone, and my earbuds.
Julian:Are you ready to go?
Shaelyn:Yea. *I close my locker*
Julian:Whats your first class?
Shaelyn:ummm, Math in room 203.
Julian:Me too!
Shaelyn: cool!let's go to class.
As we're walking, Julian tries grabbing my hand.*I grab his hand* Julian stops waking and looks at me.We continue walking to class.when we get near the door, Julian let's go of my hand.
*we go inside the classroom*
Mrs.Flosman:Well, aren't you two a cute couple
*I start turning red*
Julian: oh um, we're not dating.
Mrs.Flosman:I'm just teasing.
* Julian and I go take a sit in the 2 desks in the back* as we're walking Julian gives me a paper.
When I sit down I open it, it's Julian's phone number.

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