On my way

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In the car:

I had in my headphones blasting my music over the car radio but I could still hear my parents bickering about something stupid like they always did. I kept thinking about Ethan but what was really bothering me was how me and Jacob ended it like that. It was supposed to be peaceful and forgiving not horrid and hurtful!

I thought about texting him but I figured he would need time to cool off. So I went on all my social media but Instagram I always save it for last for some odd reason. Anyways I went on there and what I saw has never hurt me more before.

It was a picture of Jacob kissing my ex best friend Loren. She is such a bad influence and he knows that! he always used to say to me how much he hates her! NOW IM MAD! I texted him immediately.

Text messages:

To Jacob💕: what the hell are you doing with Loren?!

5 minutes later

From Jacob💕: if you can change your lifestyle than I can change mine!

To Jacob💕: plz don't hang out with her you know how bad she is I don't want you getting hurt!

From Jacob💕: Oh so now you care about me and how I feel?!

To Jacob💕: I always have cared how you felt! I love you

From Jacob💕: what? You.. Love me?

To Jacob💕: yes I just never had the guts to tell you because I thought you didn't like me back:(

To Jacob💕: just plz don't hang out with her anymore I will be down to visit you soon! I love you so much Jacob plz don't get hurt! I will call you as soon as I get there I promise❤️

From Jacob💕: okay and if you don't I will call you! Love you

To Jacob💕: okie sounds good! Love you too❤️

End of messages

I can't believe I just told him how I really felt!...

Mom: okay everyone we only have about an hour left of driving and then we should be at our new beautiful home!

I drifted off to sleep dreaming about how magical it would be to live next to the Dolan twins!

I woke up to the car going down a bumpy road. New Jersey isn't anything I had imagined. It was boring and there was no cute guys until...


Mom: young lady watch your language

Bianca: mom park the car

Mom: we don't have a choice we are at our new home!!

There was to amazingly hot boys that lived next door but I hadn't seen their faces. They were playing football. I got out of the car when all of a sudden I just remember falling to the ground.

I was super mad because the football had hit me in the head. But when I looked up all I could do was stare. In front of me was the one and only ETHAN FUCKING DOLAN!!!! I kept my cool because I couldn't let him know I was a fan of his or else he would probably run away. He immediately recognized me.

Ethan: wait are you E.G.Dolan on Instagram?! (I'm sorry if that is anyone's user I just made something up)

Bianca: um yeah I'm sorry

Ethan: omg why are you sorry I absolutely love your page it's so funny! And your edits are absolutely amazing!

Bianca: wow thank you it means a lot! Well I guess I'll see you around.

I said while struggling to hold a box and he caught it for me.

Bianca: i giggled. Haha thank you sorry my arms are that strong!

Ethan: oh it's alright id be glad to help out my new neighbors

As he said that he winked and me and I tripped on the step before the door but he caught me

Bianca: I'm sorry it's just so much to take in all at once

Ethan: haha it's okay I understand

His laugh literally slays my life!!!!!!

Bianca: thank you so much! I will um see you around I guess

Ethan: well wait... before I go um do you want to maybe come over after and meet my family I'm sure they would love to meet yours and we can hang out if you want I'm mean you don't have to but of you want to we can!

He started to get a little nervous but It was so cute! I was really trying to keep my cool but it was hard!

Bianca: sure I would love that! Thank you again

Ethan: of course and I'm sorry for hitting you with the football again haha. Are you alright by the way?!

Bianca: yeah I'm fine trust me

Ethan: okay and one more thing before I go

Bianca: yeah what is it?

Ethan: what is your name?

Bianca: Bianca... Bianca Smith

Ethan: okay I will see you a little later I guess! Bye Bianca!

Bianca: bye Ethan nice meeting you!

Holy shit I think my world is finally complete!

Love you too the moon and back (Ethan Dolan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now