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Next morning while I was getting prepared for work I saw something fall from my handbag I bend down and read what was in it to find it wax that Michael dude's number

  I stared at it for solid ten minutes deciding whether to send something or not . He was cute and nice so why not but let's be carful I won't be deep because he can be anything and specially with the cuteness it's makes you doubt him .

"Hi Michael it's me Sierra "

I kinda hope he answered and I kinda don't I just don't know .

After my little scenario ( basically fighting with my self if what I did is wrong or not )I finally went to work but not before driving my brothers to school . You are probably wondering why isn't she going to school well I am nineteen years old but unfortunately my parents don't want me to go and live alone since I am the only girl and they don't want me to go until I am married which I find weird but it's my parents we are talking about they are just as weird as there children . And I don't a plan to go to College ABD even if I wanted to my parents will let me only go to one near us so  basically why the why the rush ?

After my twenty minutes ride to the shop I finally reached it and I got in, signed my name notifying then that I came , and finally changed to my work clothes.

  Then I started putting the animals food and check in on them from far of course because as everyone know me and animals are enemies . There is no sort of communication between me and Them . 

But anyways , it was finally my break I checked my phone and found I have a message from an unknown number . I put my password and opened  the iMessage app to find a message from .... Michael

  " hi Sierra I didn't expect you to text me I thought you think of me as the weird dude who talks with kittens "

He is such a cutie it's rare to see boys Luke kittens or even buy ones or that's what I think .

"Why wouldn't I think you talking with kittens is cute !"

  Oh shot did I just send this saying he was cute oh god .Why can't I stop embarrassing myself . Or at least think before doing ?!

"You think I am cute ? I am no cute am punk rock !"

"Ya sure you are I didn't know punk rocks talk with kittens let alone buy them "

"HEY I LOVE THEM ! You cant blame me "

"Ya ok what ever makes sleep at night "

"Anyways are you busy this weekend?"

"Yes I am "

" oh well I wanted to meet again but I guess you don't want to sorry for wasting your time "

"Wait no I was kidding ! I don't have anything to do !"

"Are you sure ?"

" Sierra you break is done back to work " my boss shouted ughh .

"Coming Mrs. Angelo " I said leaving my phone and going to continue my job .

  At the end of my shift I saw someone come in the shop and might I add they look familiar... It was Michael what is this he is like a stalker . HE US EVEY WHERE !!!

  I cringed and hide behind the counter since I'm behind the cashier and I made sure I am in seen ; I can hear Michael asking Lila if I came to work WHAT DOES HE WANT!!

  " yes sir she came she was actually behind the cashier do you need anything I can help" of course she would say that I came that biotch I'll kill her with my bare hands doesn't she know that I get embarrassed the first time like why would I want to meet him again to embarrass my self more ?

  " yes , yes I do need something , but I would like is she helped me thanks for the ofer by the way " he answered oh so sweetly as I rolled my eyes oh so annoyed.

  "OK then just a minute I will go and look for her " hear her say to him . Yup she is dead today ; very dead might I add .

I can hear someone walking towards the cashier oh shot ." Sierra are you hear " I hear lila's voice calling . She thinks I will answer ? In her ever so sweet dreams .

" Sierra I can see you hiding behind the counter better get up the costumer from yesterday came to see youuuu!" She sang as I look up at her and glare giving her the finger as she laughs at my reaction " oh we will see who will laugh at the end " I said as she gave me a mocking face as I stand up and push her from my way . And going to find Michael .

When I found him I tapped his shoulder since he was facing the other way

" Sierra I figured I would find you her! Why didn't you answer my texts?" He said . I gave him an apologetic look feeling slightly guilty slightly What I barley know him we met like what twenty four hours ago ?

"I am sorry my boss called me and told me to get back to work " I said offering a smile as he smiled back .

" it ok but I just want to make sure that you don't think of me as a stalker weird dude I am really socially awkward and I don't often talk with girls so ya " he said aww poor little kitten but I am the same anyways .

" no worries I am socially awkward too " I said shifting my weight on my other feet and looking to the floor " and that's why I don't have so much friends I barley  have two " I said feeling embarrassed.

" hey it ok I can be you friend we can me the awkward due " he said laughing at his own stupidness but I find it cute anyways .

  I gave him a small smile as he started talking again "so what did you say would you like being my friend? We can have sleepovers and do each other's nails you know the girly things " he said talking in a high pitch voice.

  I started laughing as I pushed his shoulder lightly he started laughing too which I find  funny too .

" I can tell we will be the best of friends " he said and I nodded my head in agreement .

  Hello there ! I really really hope you like it if you find any mistakes please don't be rude and comment rudely on it you can simply just dm me and I will fix it thanks a lot '


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