stuck in my head (niall horan fan fic)

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''darling your gonna be late for your first day'' i heard my mum scream up the stairs, i groaned and plunged myself off my bed. First days were always the worst, especially after summer. i made my way into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the warm water flood over my body.  I'm louisa by the way i'm 16 years old, about 5ft7 and i have long blonde hair that goes down to my waist. ''EW'' was my first reaction when i looked into the mirror, ive always hated the way ive looked even though people say im really pretty i never belive them.

i got changed into my school uniform and put on some make-up, i decided to leave my hair wavy and just part it in the middle so my fringe fell onto my face. my mum had already left for work, i made some toast and turned on the radio i had half an hour untill katie and emily were knocking so i could just chill for abit. i groaned thinking of the walk all they would be talking about is one direction, i had nothing against them its just it wasnt really my type of music. i heard the front door go and saw katie and emily stood there, katie has dark brown hair about shoulder length she's about 5ft8 and emily has black mid-length hair and is about 5ft5. 'HIYA' they both screamed, i just laughed and we started walking to school,  i lived about 15 minutes away which wasn't that bad. We chatted about what we did over the holidays, and ovcourse one direction. ''ive got ticked to there concert in liverpool tomorrow'' emily squelled ''you all up for it''? ''yeah'' katie replied smiling, louisa? they said at the same time. ''erm, well, yeah why not'' i said flatly i really didn't want to go but it was a night out so hey ho. The journey to school went quickly and before i knew it we were walking through the gates, i met up with the rest of my friends and gave them all a hug, to be honest i had quite alot of friends. but emily and katie were the people i hung around with the most, i never really liked the thought of being popular. We got into are form room and was given are time tabels, urgh maths, english, french, drama, i.t.. seriously? they must hate me. i was seated next to ethan he was my ex but we were still friends, he had brown shaggy hair, beautiful brown eyes and was basically the school 'heart-throb' i still kinda had feelings for him but i was getting over them. The bell rang and i made my way to maths, today was going to be long.... i was sat in i.t we were on the computers and mr.heil let us go on whatever we wanted, so ovcourse i logged onto twitter @louisafrankx one new follower and a mention off emily was all i had. The sound of the bell rang through my ears, finally the end of the day. my mum was picking me up, so i didn't have to walk home, i saw the landrover pull up and i hopped in. Hows was your day hun, my mum asked. urm, boring, the usual i replied. I put my headphones in and boyce avenue started blasting through my ears, i just lent my head against the seat and looked out the window. We pulled into the drive, and i went straight to my room. 

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