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Let's start of with thanking Jenikel098 for tagging me.

So I've been 'tagged.' If you happened to have come across this, which I guess you have since you're reading this, and have no idea what being 'tagged' is, then let me explain.

If you ever get 'tagged' you'll receive 13 questions, which you then have to answer. After answering my guess is you create a new list of challenge questions, and a list of people who have to answer them.

Hopefully I got this right

1. What Is Your Favourite T.V. Show?

This is a hard one. I've watched a whole lot of T.V. shows, and have liked a whole lot. I'm sorta of an anime obsesser, but not counting those I'd have to choose 'The Walking Dead'. Yes I am so far behind, but I absolutely love the show. Not that 'Supernatural', 'Once Upon a Time', 'Teen Wolf' or 'The Flash' aren't great as well, but watching zombies get smashed over the head is pretty awesome.

If I did include animes. The list would consist of, 'Fairy Tail,' 'One Piece,' 'Attacn on Titan,' 'HunterXHunter,' and 'Naruto'

2. Who Is Your OTP?

Easy: Percabeth.

They started as two niave eleven year olds, but grew over the years. Percy's loyal, sarcastic and funny, while Annabeth is smart, and kind. Literally, it does not get better than this.

3. Do You Have A Crush?

I did, but it didn't last long.

4. Who Is Your Favourite Band/Artist?

Now, I'm not one for music, but on September 22, a friend of mine got me into 5SOS. No I will not try to convince anyone I love them as much as earlier fans, but they are really great.

5. What Was Your Age When You Could Finally Get A Phone?

Ten, I think. During the year of grade five. And I know that's really young, but it was a pretty not so good phone. In grade seven, I leveled up, (yes, there were bright colours and lots of cool background noises) to a super cool Samsung S4. Which I am using right now.

6. What Other Languages Do You Speak?

Je parle en Français aussi. Mais, je suis une élève de Late Immersion et ne sais pas beacoup de mot. Désolé pour riens phrases qui ne sont corigger pas.

I also speak French. But I am a Late Immersion student and don't know lot of words. Sorry for any sentences (though there were like 3 or 4) that aren't correct.

7. When And How Did You Discover Wattpad?

I'm currently trying to remember and I think it was a little more than a year ago. It's thanks to my friend Maggietheawesome123, that I can now show my stories to the world.

8. Do You Usually Overreact Or Get Mad Easily?

Yes. I have a very hot temper and with me things can go from 0-100 very, very fast.

9. What Is Your Favourite Memory of 2015?

Let's think back for just a second...

During Summer Vacation, my older sister had a party and invited like 60 people to our house, while my mum was in Ireland and my dad was on a business trip. She told me and my 11 year old sister to stay in our mum's room until it ended, and that we should lock the door.


We were locked in there for the whole day with crackers and really bad candy as food. At one point my sister smelled really good stir fry and we would open the door from time to time just so we could smell the food these guys were eating.

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