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Strangely enough I got tagged...I'm still very surprised but it makes me feel special, so it's all G.

1. If you had to live off one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Lasagna. I actually love the food a whole lot. More than pizza and pasta which is strange, because I didn't realize I liked it that much until now.

2. Would you rather own a unicorn or a thestral?
Unicorns are great, but I've never been a hug fan of them I guess. As a Percy Jackson fan, I love Pegasi, and thestral sate close. Plus they look hella cool, all dark and mysterious.

3. What is your favourite song on replay?
I'm going to be honest here, I don't often listen to music. If I do it's Epic Music by Pandora Journey, Epic Music VN or Prime Cronus on YouTube. If I did chose a song with lyrics (not sure what else to call it), it'd be Sound of Silence or Mrs. Robinson by Simon and Garfunkel.

4. Would you rather drink a cup of ketchup or smother your ice cream in mustard?
Ketchup most of the time makes me sick to my stomach. I only eat it on hot dogs or maybe burgers but in small amounts, and even then it's just something I add, on instinct. Often enough I eat my burgers with extra cheese as a substitute. I love cheese. I've also found a new love for mustard on burgers, and while ice cream doesn't taste too good with mustard I bet, I'd still chose that.

5. Would you rather go to Hogwarts or Camp Half-Blood?
Camp Half-Blood any friggin day. Going there and making it past the barrier would make me a demigod, and that sounds no joke, really cool. Hogwarts is amazing too, but I will always choose Persassy Jackson over Harry Potter. For a whole lot of reason. Some of them more reasonable than others.

My phone's on 9% so I'll wrap this up.


You have been tagged. Answer my new questions and make up your five new ones. Honestly you don't have to, but you know...

1. What do you think of horror movies?
2. Who are your two favourite actors?
3. What show are you currently in love with (or movie)?
4. What is your favourite book genre.
5. What type of taste do you hate (salty, spicy, sweet) apart from bitter I guess? Unless you like bitter things.

Thank you though to XxOrangeMangoxX for tagging me.

It's all G.

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