8:17 AM

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"Hiya! Jessy speaking! This is Target!"

"It's Farah, Jessy."

"Oh, great! Chance texted me a few minutes ago. He's on a plane to New York right now."

"Now?! Dear god. I'm not ready, Jessy! I can't -"

"You have four days until Christmas Eve. You're going to do great. You have time, Farah."

"What if he rejects me?! In front of everyone at Target?!"

"Hah. Love at Target. Never would I have thought I'll experience something like this."

"I'm serious. I have ninety six hours to get my head right."

"That's enough. It's only Chance."

"...But I...actually like him. He makes me feel stupid!"

"That stupidness is love, young one."

"...Shut up. There is no such thing."

"Says the one that said, 'I love him'."

"...I wasn't thinking straight then."

"You never think straight when your heart is controlling you instead of your mind."

"Stop. Stop speaking."

"Stop being such a wimp. You're going to speak to him in four days. On the crowdest day every year in Target. In front of everyone. Showing yourself to him. You possibly kissing him. Ah, I'm turning into a fangirl."

"...Don't you still like him?"

"Eh. Chance is like a bro now. When he told me he liked someone else, I knew it was you. You're the only 'horrible' girl he speaks to. Every other girl is just so nice...it makes me want to vomit."

"...I'm sure I'll vomit if he stares at me."

"Gross. Don't do that."

"...You think people are going to be judgmental? You know, him being two years older."

"TWO YEARS. Not ten."


"And I can feel when someone judges someone. Like you right now."

"...I'm not judging you."

"I can feel you judging me."


"Just don't vomit."

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