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"I got you flowers,"

Farah pushed the bouquet of red roses in front of Chance's amused eyes, her cheeks scarlet. "It was the...only thing available, okay? Don't judge me, Bobby."

She took a look at the flowers again. "...This is bad, isn't it? I'm making a completely fool of myself because you manage to make everything so hard." the flowers dropped to her side. "In a good way though...I'm talking too much, aren't I? This is a horrible welcome."

She flushed, her cheeks even redder than before. She cursed herself for being a hormonal teenager. But that was normal...so what could you possibly do about it? She lifted up the flowers again, now to cover up her blush. "What aren't you talking? Say something, Bobby!"

When he didn't, her head dropped in embarrassment, her eyes fixing on her shoes. Way to go Farah. Just pass over the worst girlfriend of the year award. Yeah, feel that glory.

"You need to learn to calm down." Chance told her as he trapped her in a bear hug. Her eyes widened, her heart pumped faster, and her mind screamed with joy. We won't tell Chance that he has that type of affect on her though. Her knees buckled at the feel of his lips all over her cheeks and she was glad that he was holding her up or else she'll fall.

Just imagine that.

"Is it me, or did you really miss your girlfriend?" Farah tried to play off cool, but her voice betrayed her. She sounded so much worse than a love sick teen. Chance held back his laugh and decided not to say anything about it. Boyfriend goals.

"Shut up and accept my love," he purposely stuffed the flowers in her face, hugging her even tighter at the same time.

She laughed in response and people took precious time to look at the odd pair. Donald let him drag her back to their families, Charlie grinning like a big fool and Gabby about to faint at the sight of Chance.

Gabby shoved Charlie, glaring down at him. "I thought he was ugly?"

Charlie returned the shove. "He is. Don't you see that ugliness?! Like seriously. Look at my face, and then look at that. What the heck is that?" he points at his brother. "An ugly piece of -"

Farah gave him a look that could scare away Lucifer himself and he threw his hands up in defense. "I was going to say broccoli."

"Ha. Loser." Gabby shoved him again.

He shared a look with Farah. "She needs to go jump in a ditch."

Chance covered his mouth with a fist, fighting his laugh. Farah did the same, but she lost against her laughter. When the parents gave her stern looks, she choked on a laugh before hiding behind Bobby with little shame.

It wasn't her fault. It was funny.

Chance moved foward and raised his hand to Farah's father. Risky. "I should introduce myself...I'm Chance."

Farah didn't move with him and instead watched the two men talk in horror. She was hoping that Chace will make it out alive. She didn't even see her step mother walk over. Melane, her new mother, smiled. "He's cute. How old did you say he was? Nineteen?"

Farah nodded her head, keeping her eyes on her father. He currently wore a smile. Good. Melane continued. "Harvard. Excellent school. Have you opened your letter yet?"

She shook her head, turning to finally meet Melane's stare.

Her step mother was gorgeous. Just by looking at her innocent smile, you would never think she'll have venom on her tongue.

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