Lost & Found

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The wind gently ruffles his blonde hair, the brown roots being revealed. His big, unblinking blue eyes, the colour of ink, watch me.

I stare at him, my chest aching, my heart thudding. I can’t believe this day is here. “Promise you’ll keep in touch,” I whisper, desperate for him not to go, not to see his back turn and walk away from me.

“Of course I will, Laura.” He smiles, hooking his finger around mine. Our secret gesture. “Call me as soon as you get there.”

He rolls his eyes, letting out a laugh. “Yes, mum,” he teases.

I gulp, the simplest action hurting me. “I guess you’d  better go.” I glance briefly at his parents, waiting patiently behind him, sympathetic smiles on their faces.

“I guess.” He sighs. “Bye, Laura.”

He turns to leave, when a shout escapes my mouth. “Niall!”


“You can’t leave this way,” I simply say, running into his arms, knocking him flat.

That was the day everything changed.

A/N: I had begun my first One Direction fanfic, but I didn’t have confidence in it, and when I don’t have confidence in my writing, I lose interest in the story. I want to write something that’s worth reading, and I’ve got the mildest case of perfectionism’, something which I’m not proud of. This story does have aspects of the previous story in it, and roughly the same characters.

Like many fanfiction, anything that happens in this story is purely fictional, and I don’t mean to offend anyone. Attached is the setting I'd imagine Niall and Laura would be in.

So, without further ado, I welcome you to my story and hope it’ll be worthwhile to read. :)

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