V: Backing off

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Gratefully, I wake up in my bed. To a throbbing headache. Stabbing pains straight through my head. Holding a hand to my forehead, I rub it, hoping to ease the pain. It doesn’t. Light sears through my squinting eyes, making me wish I Noticing my apartment’s unusually quiet, with a groan I hop out of bed, staggering slightly. Listening for signs of activity.

“Megan?” I wince at the sound of my own voice. It was far too loud. “Megan?” I try again.

“In the living room,” I hear her cry back, and the tap of her laptop keys.

With a sigh, I summon up the courage to ask her. “Can you get me a glass of water?”

I wait, tersely, and feel a flood of relief when I hear the pad of her feet across the floorboards, the gush of the tap, and the creak of my door as she opens it.

“Thanks.” I take the glass carefully, water threatening to spill.

She crosses her arms, suddenly taking the role of concerned parent. “How much did you have to drink last night?”

“Not much,” I mutter, placing the glass down.

“Oh really?” She raises her voice to a yell.

I flinch, as fresh pain springs up. “Could you be quieter, please? My head is killing.”

“I can tell,” she says coldly.

Sitting herself down on my bed, careful not to touch my outstretched legs, she asks in a softer tone, “can you remember anything from last night?”

I think with all the power I can summon. “I-I remember drinking with Niall.” I remember his laugh, ringing out loud and clear in my head. The flash of his white smile. “And...” Dark curls and lips flash in my head. “I remember kissing Harry.”

“You did what?”

Her high voice is like a shrill in my head. I close my eyes, hands over my eyes.

“Sorry. You kissed Harry?” She hisses at me. Not bothering to conceal her astonishment.

“Yes, I kissed Harry. Now can you please-please-leave me be.”

She raises her hands in defence, lips pursed. “Fine, fine. I’ll ‘leave you be’. But don’t think a day’s going to distract me. I want to know everything, tomorrow.

“Go, go,” I bat her away. I watch her toss her long hair over a shoulder, managing to strut well in a pair of leggings and strappy vest.


My phone vibrates next to me, waking me up from my dream with a start. In the middle of dream involving melted ice cream and Harry, I force myself to sit up, hands pressed deep into my bed with the struggle to lift my weight. Ignoring my rumpled sheets and current state of bed-hair, I glance down at the glowing screen in my hands.

You okay? –Harry

I search my mind for a reason to avoid him, coming up empty-handed. I kissed him back. And enjoyed it. Hoping my drunk state will be a good excuse to Niall, or his drunk state will mean he can’t remember last night, I text Harry back.

Fine. Just a blinding headache, that’s all. –Harry

His response, is cheeky. Nothing I can’t fix. ;) –Harry

Unsure of how to answer him, I toss my phone aside. Wrinkling my nose at the faint smell of sweat, I decide it’s time to get up.

The persistent throbbing in my head making me make myself a cup of tea, inhaling the rich scent of the granules. Steam rising in my face, blistering as I pour the tea.

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