Our Mission and probably a new Enemy

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Percy's POV

BOOM! Something exploded somewhere in front of me. All the Avengers were on their feet. Except for Thor,he was in the bathroom.

Clarisse crumpled to the ground in front of me,blood trickling down from her head.


April unsheathed her sword. Wait,sword? I watched in awe as her sword came into view. A mixture of silver,Imperial Gold and Stygian Iron. I wonder where I can get something like that? Maybe if I ask Tyson,and oh yeah! He's probably busy. And oh,is the ceiling gray? Since when does Iron- Stupid ADHD.

A gryphon flew in through the hole.

"Percy,you idiot take out your sword!" Thalia shouted at me.

"Oh yeah." I uncapped Riptide.

The gryphon flew through the air like a bird and landed in front of me.

"Beware half-bloods." The gryphon hissed. "My masters are the lord of south and north. They will crush you and your puny mortal friends. Wait,I wasn't supposed to tell them that? Attack them? What do you mean lose their memory? Oh n-"

Without another thought,I sliced it. And it burst into dust.

"That was easy." Steve said.

I held up my hand. I counted to three. Nothing else happened.

"Never tempt the Fates." I warned.

"That was a warning." April said,and put Clarisse into a sitting position.

"And how do you know that?" Tony questioned,looking dubious.

"Apollo's kid,remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"Anybody going to help?" April put Clarisse's arm around her.

Nobody moved.

"Fine. I'm calling names. Steve,Wanda." They both walked up to her.

"Steve,you're helping me. Wanda,lead the way."

They walked out of the room.

I heard the toilet flush and Thor appeared at the doorway.

"What did I miss?" Then he looked at the gigantic hole.

"A lot." We said simultaneously. Yup,a big word. Be proud of yourself,Percy. Be proud.

Nico's POV

Nick Fury stood at the head of the table,waiting for the latest people to arrive; Percy,Tony,Wanda,April,Clarisse obviously and Steve.

"We will start first." He started pacing around us.

"Anybody knows who the 'lords' are?' Fury did air quotes.

I raised my hand subconciously.

"Yes,Mr. di Angelo?"

I scowled. "Don't call me that. Makes me sound old."

I heard somebody cough and mutter,"You are."

"I have reason to believe that the 'lords'," I imitated Fury in his air quotes. "Are Krios,Titan of the South and Koios,Titan of the North."

"Oh?" Natasha said.

"Demigods have to learn about their own history." I shrugged.

The door creaked open. A certain sea-green eyed boy looked in.

"Am I late?" He asked sheepishly.

"Yes. You are." Fury said. "Where are Mr . Stark-"

Tony burst into the room and bumped into Percy and fell.

"Here." He said and held onto the table and shuffled back up.

"-Mr. Rogers,Miss Maximoff and Miss Cockraine?" Fury continued as if nothing happened.

"Here." Steve came in with Wanda and April behind him.

"Since all of you are here,there is a new mission."

"It's not to catch Percy again,right?" Tony joked.

Fury glares at him. "You have to find out the enemy's reason and location to attack us."

"Who's our enemy?" April asked cluelessly.

I explained again.

"Oh." Steve looked sick at the thought. "Godly forces that can crush us at the flick of their finger. How nice."

"Well,might as well." Pietro piped up. "It's boring here."

"We just went on a mission a few days ago." Wanda reprimanded her twin.

"Whatever." He used an American slang.

This is going to be an interesting mission.

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