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Louis was crying. His hands were shaking in his lap and his breaths were short and shallow.

Aurora was silent. She sat motionless on the couch and her eyes were focused on the wall.

She had told him everything and Louis, Louis was starting to wish he'd never asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to u-upset you. I don't even know why I told you, I just." And now Aurora was crying, no if anything she was full on sobbing.

"Hey love, hey. Don't cry, I'm sorry I'm crying. God Aurora I'm so sorry. When I said have you been- I had no idea it was that bad." Louis spoke, pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes.

He was about to say something else when the living room door swung open revealing a half asleep Harry with a panicked look on his face.

" Rora' babe, woke up and you weren't there. What's going on?" Harry asked, his voice as raspy as ever like it usually was when he woke up.

"Why are you crying? Louis, what's happening?" Harry questioned, quickly walking over the couch to Aurora.

"We..we were just talking. I think everyone's a bit tired, could do with a kip now anyway, couldn't you Aurora." Louis hinted, desperately trying to avoid talking about why the were really crying.

Aurora didn't say anything, instead she just nodded her head making no other attempts
to move.

"Louis..I don't understand, why are you-" Harry attempted to ask before Louis cut him off.

"Haz mate, she's shattered." Louis said, this time almost warningly and Harry wanted to tug his hair out because, what had he just walked in on? Instead he walked over to the couch and crouched down next to Aurora who eyes were still filled with tears.

"Princess, stand up for me bab." Harry whispered in her ear, his forehead pressing against her temple and Aurora complied, standing up slowly before walking over to the door.

"Night Louis." She spoke quietly, glancing back only slightly to see Harry walking over and sitting down next to him.

"Goodnight love." He responded meekly and Harry mumbled something in his ear which he nodded to hesitantly but at this point Aurora didn't care.

"I'll meet you upstairs." Harry said. "I'll be two minutes."

By the time Harry actually got upstairs which was really about 20'minutes later, Aurora still wasn't in his bed and instead was sat on his window ledge, legs hung against the brick like she knew he hated. Walking over to her, he wrapped his arms around her middle before lifting her up and placing her on what he had decided was her side of the bed.

"Y'know it terrifies me when you do that." He half smiled, crawling under the sheets next to her. "Stop crying for me babe, too pretty to cry." Harry murmured, pressing a kiss to each of her cheeks.

Aurora let out a shaky breath before leaning further into Harry's touch, touching her own lips delicately to his.

"Thank you." She whispered and Harry grinned understandably, wrapping his arms around her waist, sighing in slight content when Aurora's forehead connected with his own.

"Whenever you really need to know, I'll tell you." She said and that's all Harry needed.

* * *

"Aurora..Aurora love...Wake up..." Along with the words quietly being mumbled in her ear, Aurora was awoken with a gentle tugging on her wrist.

Opening her eyes she became face to face with a wide awake looking Louis.

"Do you want to watch a film with me?" He asked and- what?

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